You can find that passage here:
My attempt to summarize:
Jesus will be coming back when we least expect Him and it would be great if we were doing what He told us to do when He gets back. Alternatively, it will be horrible for those that are living like the unsaved when He returns. We should keep watch for His return and do His will while we wait.
As I reflect:
This reminds me of a story I often use in witnessing. Satan calls his demons to himself and asks them what the greatest lie he can tell the world is. The demons respond with things like, “Tell them, there is no God”, and “Tell them there is no hell or heaven.”, or, “tell the world there is no such thing as Satan or sin.”. The list goes on as each demon shouts out commonly told lies. But Satan responds to each saying that the people of Earth will not believe them. He says, “we can’t tell them there is no God, for they look around them at creation and they see the proof of God’s existence in His intelligent creative design. And if there is a God, than they know that there is a Devil. And if there is a God and a devil than surely the humans know that each have a home such as Heaven and as Hell. So these lies we cannot tell the humans because they will not believe us.” Satan then pauses and ponders about the greatest lie he can tell… Then he lifts his head in excitement and commands the demons go into all the world and tell the following, “There’s always tomorrow!”
Wow, what a lie huh? There’s always tomorrow. You don’t have to repent today because there is always tomorrow, so have fun tonight. You don’t have to decide which religion to believe in today, because there is always tomorrow. You don’t have to have compassion on your neighbor today, because there is always tomorrow. . .
How great a lie this truly is. We know that people pass away at all given times of the day and night and that we all have a day in which our bodies will die. None of us know when that day will be. So get right with God today. Repent for the signs of the times say that His return is indeed coming soon. We don’t know when but we do know we want to know Him and be doing His will when He comes to take us home. Woe to you on that day, if you have chosen to believe that “there’s always tomorrow to confess Jesus as your Lord and trust in Him with your life.” Do it today and be born with a new heart and adopted as a child of the Most High. He wants to know you. Don’t put it off.
My response to the Lord:
My God, if there is any procrastination in me to do your will, may your Holy Spirit move me to quit putting it off. If there is someone I have been weary of witnessing to; If there is someone that I have not yet told of your great love; If there is any unforgiveness in me for someone from my past; If my heart is not right with you, Then Holy Father create in me a clean spirit that is right with you and does your will, for I know that there is not always tomorrow. Hasten your return while we terry. In Jesus name.
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