The passage I read was Matthew 9:35-38
You can find that passage here:
My attempt to summarize the passage:
Too hard to summarize and too short to chose just one verse, I believe the later ¾ of this passage stick out most to me.
36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
As I reflect:
So many people to save and so few people to share Jesus with them…
Not that I take it for granted, but of course Jesus (our perfect example) wasn’t lounging in a chair watching cable T.V. while those just outside His walls were doomed for hell, a result of their sin. He was doing the work of His Father. In verse 36 it says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,”. The word which is used for “moved with compassion” or “had compassion” (splagchnistheis) is the strongest word for pity in the Greek language. . . . it describes the compassion which moves a man to the deepest depths of his being. That’s my shining example. He didn’t look with pride (although I’ve heard it said that the only one high enough to look down on someone else is God). He instead looked with pity and was moved deeply by that pity. When I look at the harvest, it’s important for me to remember that I am not only no better than them who are like lost sheep without a shepherd, but in fact I used to be one of them. It is only thanks to the amazing grace of God that I am now found. Jesus shares in this passage the importance of that very same grace that saved me. He expresses that we are in need of more obedient disciples willing to step out of their comfort zone and share the Gospel; for there are still far more in need than those that have already received. If you are one of those that have already received, then I challenge you as well as myself to get out there and share. Pray and then be the answer to prayer. Get in the field and help. Don’t just sit back on your recliner while the world around you drowns. Share in Wal-Mart, at work, at home, on the streets, at the gas station. You are a walking proof of saving grace, why on earth would you disallow others to receive by refusing to share. Let them know.
My response to the Lord:
Holy Father, I believe that far too many so called Christians; professed followers of your will here on Earth fail miserably in sharing the Gospel with others. I have failed here as well. I have been consumed by cowardice thoughts, caring far too much about what someone might think of me, and far too little about their eternal salvation. Lord, I have pity on them. I have compassion for them. Having these feelings is not my problem. My problem Lord is that I have far too little compassion; far too little pity to be moved to action that I might simply open my mouth and let you speak. I pray Lord for courage to overcome my cowardice. I pray for will power to overcome fears. I pray for your Holy Word to speak over my ignorant silence that your message may be heard. And Father, more than words I pray that my life in action would be a testimony of your compassion for me and my compassion, because of you, for others. Lord help me to work the harvest, in Jesus name. Amen.
One the easiest things our enemy does---keeps us from sharing. That's why we have to be spirit filled, a heart of compassion as you shared, and to be willing to die to our self. I love your prayer because every christian can relate to it. We all struggle with the courage, doubts and fears. Yet we are not to have a spirit of fear. Thank you so much for this prayer because it says what so many of us feel and desire.