The passage I read was Philippians 3:12-17
You can find that passage here:
Verse that most stood out to me:
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
As I reflect:
“Just as a little child is a perfect human being, but still is far from perfect in all his development as man, so the true child of God is also perfect in all parts, although not yet perfect in all the stages of his development in faith.” (Muller)
There is soo very much to reflect on in this short passage of the Bible. The fact that Paul was humble even as a great man of God who had achieved far more than most Christians will in their entire lives. That stands out to me. It’s a reminder of where glory is due. That all glory is due to God who works through men, and not men who by God work.
Another big one that stands out to me is that Paul is quick in his teaching to separate himself from having already obtained the goals of perfection in Christ. He instructs believers and then specifies that his instructions apply to him as well. He also notes the perception of our lives in Christ in that we are not looking on ourselves with the idea that we have failed daily in reaching perfection, but rather that we are to press onward towards the goal. There is no option “b”; no getting out of the walk or giving up; no excuse that can be maintained to keep one from pressing forward toward the prize.
I (like many) absolutely love everything about this passage. It is so motivating and is a wonderful example to us all that we should daily take such a view of our walks as well. Paul in his instructions here even points out that in moving forward, he forgets what is behind. I believe his point here is that the past (not what we have learned from it) can only hinder us from the future if we give it the powers to do so. Instead, lift your head and face forward in your walk. We all make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. A few Bibles studies ago, a brother of mine pointed out Luke 9:62 which says,
Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
And he said of this passage that he pictured a man attempting to direct his boat straight ahead with his hand on the rudder, but that every time the man looked behind him he unintentionally would slightly turn the rudder thus taking his boat off course. That brother of mine spoke with great wisdom as this is indeed the fact of our own walks with Christ. If we keep looking back and letting that decide our futures, we may find ourselves quite off course. I am encouraged by these things to keep my eyes on God and press onward with perseverance always.
My response to the Lord:
My Father in Heaven, your name is above all names, and I am thankful that you even hear me through your Son (in Whose name I pray) and what He’s done. May you receive the thanks I lift up to you for the past you have forgiven and the future you have written. I certainly haven’t obtained that end goal that you have written for me, but I trust you to complete the work begun in me and I ask that your Holy Spirit here with me help me along the journey and encourage me when I become tired. Lift me up on wings and let not weariness hinder my pressing forward. Father, for your will I press on, that what you have planned to do with and through me may be done. Help me to stay humble in setting an example for those who may see you in me, and may I set also an example encouraging them also to move forward for that same goal and prize you have laid before us all who follow you and abide in your word. May my life give you glory eternally Lord. In Jesus Name.
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