The passage I read was Romans 4:13-21
You can find that passage here:
The verse/s that most stood out to me:
14 For if those who depend on the law are heirs, faith means nothing and the promise is worthless, 15 because the law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.
As I reflect:
Ya know… I wrote this long reflection on the passage today. I then read over what I had written and realized it sounded like I was trying to be a professor and teach a class… That’s not what this is about. This is my reflection time and I need to be the one to grow and learn from it. I am sharing my reflection times with the world so that I may be transparent; not so that I can be prideful. With that thought in mind, I deleted about an hour or so of writing and decided to try again.
What I get out of this passage is that though we are to obey the law and walk by faith, we are still not any more worthy of God’s saving grace than when we first begun. I also got that great things were done through Abraham and it was because God by His grace chose to fulfill His promises to him. It is the same way today. I cannot in any manner of speaking fully obey the entire law. I am doomed to fail in my flesh at some point and fall again at the foot of the cross. I am in no way capable of earning any good thing the Lord gives me nor anything He sees fit to do through me for others. I simply must continue to strive to obey, fighting the flesh daily, and walk by faith that the Lord will provide and use me for His will as He sees fit. This is really the bottom line of it all. It’s the heart of the matter. One could argue all day about who is better equipped to do this or that, or who speaks more eloquently or has more knowledge or wisdom than the next person, but at the end of the day… It’s God’s grace that provides and apart from that, we are all just sinners that fall short of His glory. So give God his dues… That is your whole life belongs to Him anyway, start giving Him the glory he deserves and use your life for His will. Amen?
In doing this, you may find some unexpected and exciting promises along the way that He will fulfill in you and in those who follow in your footsteps.
My response to the Lord:
God, you made Abraham the father of many. You alone have made the things that were dead alive and the things which didn’t exist as though they did. You alone deserve glory for taking my dead soul and breathing new life into me and you alone deserve the glory for making my unrighteousness righteous through the blood of your Son. For every good thing, and for every bad thing in my life that you made good, may you receive the glory always. May my faith bare good fruit that I may be pleasing to you Lord. Your will be done in and through me always Father. I am yours by grace through faith. In Jesus name.
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