The passage I read was 2 Timothy 1:8-2:2
You can find that passage here:
The verse/s that most stood out to me:
8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.
13 What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.
Chapter 2: 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
As I reflect:
So here Paul is encouraging Timothy after he has just taught him an abundance about what is involved in a life with Christ. He is now telling him to be bold in his representation of that good news and to be faithful to it and to share it with those who will also one day share it with others. He is in fact training Timothy to create more disciples as well as strengthening him to be a fearless follow and imitator of Jesus himself. I love that he encourages Timothy not only to not be ashamed of Paul’s being bound in chains, but to join him. What he speaks of here is something we all should all be doing. We should all be not only supportive but willing to go the same distance with our brothers and for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, lay it all on the line. This can seem like an overwhelming request, but we can all have joy in it knowing that our treasures are in Heaven and whatever we do here in the name of the Lord, we do with the Lord. We can maintain joy even in chains and can encourage one another despite our surroundings or seemingly unfortunate circumstances. As a matter of fact, it is often during these times of demise that we are given the greatest opportunities to bear witness to the great love of our Savior and our unwavering faith in Him. When you suffer for the sake of spreading the Gospel, you share in the suffering of the apostles/disciples that came before you and even in the suffering that Jesus received a result of His giving us that same example by which to follow. Rejoice in this. And let others see that you rejoice in the Lord at all times. What better way to salt (make attractive) the oats (the relationship with Jesus Christ). Finally, forget not that we are to make disciples of every nation tongue and tribe. We not only share the Gospel love of Jesus Christ in hopes that the lost would come to salvation, but also that they might share the good news with others as well.
My response to the Lord:
Dear Lord, I have read and heard about many others who have been persecuted for their faith. I guess their stories can seem rather far away at times as my stories seem so small in comparison to their suffering. I even hear from some of those that know me how great it is that I maintain joy and give you glory during my great suffering and persecution for your name’s sake…. But, again, it seems to pale so greatly in comparison to those who have not only come before me but are even now being tortured to death for refusing to renounce Yahweh as their God. I have friends that call me courageous for sharing the Gospel… Yet I have never been whipped or beaten for doing so. I have never had to stand idly by in chains and watch one of my children killed for our faith. Today and everyday Lord, may I not forget the persecuted and may I strive to encourage them as I would desire to be lifted up in their shoes. May I be so bold as to never hide your loving message even if it means my death. Lord, I do rejoice in my current sufferings… But I do not consider myself to be under great persecution and until that day please use me to support those who are and to continue on the commission you have given to make disciples. In Jesus name.
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