The passage I read was John 1:35-46
You can find that passage here:
My attempt to summarize the passage:
Several new disciples join the ranks of Jesus, seeing and declaring that He is the Messiah.
As I reflect:
For me the greatest thing that really stood out was how John didn’t mind that his disciples left him in choosing to disciple after Jesus. I think it’s important that we all have this same mindset/heartset. When we are given the responsibility and gift of mentoring another, may we not forget that it is not us whom they are following but rather Jesus whom we also follow. Let there not be pride in mentoring another believer, but rather humility that they may be directed to Our Savior and not in any way replace our Savior with our selves. A good and short study for me that serves as a reminder not to let pride creep up and take away glory that belongs to God.
My response to the Lord:
God, you be glorified in all that you have done through me and made me. God you be glorified. For everything you do to draw others near you, be glorified Father. May I be a useful tool in bringing your glory and in bringing others nearer to you. In Jesus name.
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