The passage I read was 1 Samuel 14:1-15
You can find that passage here:
The verse/s that most stood out to me:
Jonathan and his armor-bearer decide to take on a battle against greater numbers at the philistine outpost, trusting in God for a sign (which he gave) and for victory (which he gave). Jonathan’s faith was strong in saying, “Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” And “the LORD has given them into the hand of Israel”.
As I reflect:
Jonathan seems to be a little naïve in my humble opinion. Good kid. Lots of faith. But not too wise. I do believe the Lord chose to save him and make him and his armor-bearer victorious for multiple reasons, but I don’t believe any of those reasons were based on Jonathan’s wise and discerning decision to sneak off in the night and start a war with a bunch of Philistines. If any other character had tried the equivalent of this today they would quickly be branded as an arrogant teen pulling a stunt (likely based on an abundance of bent up hormones making decisions in place of reasoning). That being said, note that the Lord gave them over to his hands. The Lord sided with his faithful servant despite lack of wisdom and qualification. He knew Jonathan’s heart and he also knew that he could use his gusto for the better. It was a prime opportunity. It’s not that God couldn’t have defeated the Philistines another way, it’s just that He chose to use the young buck’s boldness to strike fear into Israel’s enemies as well as to muster a greater bravery from his fellow military soldiers.
Directly before this passage, we learn of the huge out numbering forces the Philistines had gotten together for war against the Israelites. We also learn that besides Jonathan and his dad Saul, there were no swords on the Israelites side. So there were likely a few thousand soldiers standing with farming tools before an enemy with great power numbering more than the sands of a beach. Thus many ran and hid and eventually Saul was left with only 600 soldiers (again, not armed well) who upon final consideration decided it was also best for them to hide in the forest and local caves. Then came this wondrous night when a young man decided against all odds to take a step of faith. And look what the Lord turned that in to. God gave the Philistines into the hands of Israel that night and as a result a battle was one. Many of the soldiers rallied back to the front lines because of Jonathan’s courageous move; Because of the gracious victory that the Lord gave. What can we take from this?
Well, I think it’s important to note that though this is a historically accurate and fact based event, it doesn’t mean that we are to act exactly like Jonathan. What I mean is that it is not a law of God or a command that we make hasty unwise fool hearted decisions based on faith. However, I think we can take from this the measure of faith and the measure of grace that a follower of God ought to have. When we come across battles in our own lives and the numbers seem to add up greatly against us, it doesn’t mean that we are at the mercy of our opponent. For we are always in the hands of God and we are ultimately at His mercy. I am encouraged by the faith of this young man. It was so simple and small his part and yet the effect of his faith in the Lord’s sovereignty epically changed the lives of thousands of men. It is encouraging to know that we as Christians today are in this same position. We, not of our own qualifications or abilities, stand at the door way of being used by God in great ways. We need only the faith and courage to step through those doorways trusting that the battle is already God’s. Or perhaps you are the armor-bearer. Let us not forget the armor-bearer also had great faith to follow along and fight by the side of Jonathan. If you are in that trusted position in another Christian’s life and you see and hear that they are called to battle, then be faithful to go along side of them and support them in the fight that belongs to the Lord.
My response to the Lord:
My Holy God, you are Most High and worthy of all praise. I read of your greatness through the Bible and I see your greatness even now in this day to day life and I give you glory Father. You are mighty to be praised. I and my wife and my children… we are all yours. We all daily stand at this doorway ready to be used by you. Let us not miss that opportunity a result of cowardice. Let us be bold enough to stand up and say that, “THIS BATTLE; AND EVERY BATTLE IS YOURS!!” Great King, you have won every battle we have fought for you and we know you win the war as well. The only times we lose battles is when we (like Saul) are disobedient and try to go it alone. Let us not be so foolish to go into battle alone, and may your Holy Spirit grant us discernment to chose which battles you would have us enter into. May we trust in you in our times of wait and in our times of war and may we always be your faithful servants. I pray in Christ’s name.
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