The passage I read was Romans 12:1-2
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
As I reflect:
Paul starts off here urging us in light of God’s mercy to offer ourselves (our bodies) as living sacrifices. I believe here that there is a power of mercy being demonstrated for it’s effectiveness to change someone. I know of a story where a drunk person chose to drive and ended up colliding with another vehicle and killing a family’s daughter. In court that man that drove drunk was very apologetic and humble and in need of mercy. The family who lost their daughter just happened to be Christian and when they were faced with how to react to losing their loved one due to someone else breaking the law, they set the example of a true disciple of Christ and not only did they chose not to press any charges, but they also publically stated that they fully forgave him. Since that time, the man has not only not made the same mistake again, but he now spends time on a regular basis with this family of God and is considered by them to be like a son. This type of mercy has power. I have no doubt that the man’s behavior was changed permanently because of the great mercy he received. Something like that reaches into our very depths and it breaks a heart of stone bringing great change. Likewise is Paul’s point here. The world wants us to point fingers, punish, hate, eye for an eye mentality… But God says that we because of His great mercy ought to be changed. We are to be set apart from the world for God because of the great mercy He has shown us in that while we were yet sinners and deserved death, He gave His Son for us as a living sacrifice. We are to be different, transformed by the renewing of our mind (the way we think and perceive). We are to now be offered to God as a living sacrifice by the way that we live. We are to live pure and holy that others may be able to see what God’s perfect will is through what He does in us. In essence, this passage is saying that because we have been given mercy, we are to become the example of that mercy and also an example of holiness set apart for the God we serve so that others too may come to receive salvation, gaining faith by the huge difference they see in us.
My response to the Lord:
Jehovah – Yahweh, you have shown me great mercy and given divine salvation. My Adonai, I owe to you my life as a living sacrifice. I owe to you even more than this, but this I have to give; that I should be set apart from the world and be sewn into your vine producing new fruit in a world where the vines have shriveled and died. May you receive all the glory and be lifted high by how you are seen in me. May others be brought nearer to you by the mercy I show them as your mercy drew me in also. I pray that you would break hearts of stone and ice by your merciful acts of righteousness and that you by your great power would rebuild in love those who are without your salvation. Jehovah-Rapha, be healer of all nations and shine through your children to reach the lost. May I be a willing participant, unconfirmed to the practices of this world. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
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