The passage I read was Romans 5:6-11
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
As I reflect:
I chose 6 as the verse that most stood out to me but in all honesty it would be 6, 7, 8, & 11. Lol. This passage, though short, is packed full of power and many will probably recognize verse 8 as a common memory verse for good reason.
Verses 6-8 define us as the undeserving stating that we are powerless, ungodly sinners and yet He died for us. This type of statement I believe is designed to teach us that His love wasn’t something we earned or that can be earned from anything that is in us, but rather that His love comes only from reasons in Him. This swings the door wide open for all who recognize that they are unworthy to come to the feet of God and receive His free gift. It really doesn’t get any more inviting than that. I’ve never met anyone who looked at me and could list all of my most horrifying secret sins as easily as all my obvious short comings and then say that despite my failures and the fact that I deserve death, they love me enough to take my place under the guillotine. Jesus is the only one who loves us enough to make that offer. We don’t have to be righteous or good to be offered new life.
The last 3 verse seem to rather plainly say that if He is that gracious, that loving, that wonderful to us when we were His enemies, than how much more now that we are His children.
My response to the Lord:
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