The passage I read was 2 Kings 5:1-14
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
14 So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.
As I reflect:
In my heavily paraphrased words, this is a story of one leader sending one of his injured men of great value to a rival leader to be healed in a way that neither leader sees as a possibility. An alternate perception might say this was to start a war. The injured man however is heavily afflicted by his skin disease and thus far more likely to believe or at least give every method a shot before giving up on being healed. I see a man of God ask the injured man to do something that is simple and would be obvious to everyone as an impossible means by which to be healed. I believe the man of God did this to prove that only God would do the healing, but at the same time there was effort required of the diseased man. A long story short, Naaman at some point did doubt, but thanks to the wise words of his servants he was obedient and was healed.
Not just a story, but something that actually happened in history, there is much to be learned here. Personally, I think the larger lessons are that “faith without works is dead” and “obedience can be key in reaping good”. How would this story have differed if Naaman believed his servant about the prophet but never journeyed to meet him? Or what if Naaman had not been obedient and dipped himself those 7 times in the Jordan? It is our responsibility to answer the calling God places on our life, much as it is also our responsibility to seek His will for us. I think at times God tells us to do something simple when we are expecting to be shown some grander vision with fireworks involved. But we need to be obedient and faithful with even the small and simple things trusting fully the God has a reason and that His plan is without error. Note how the servant’s faith started it all? She didn’t say there might be someone who could help. She said, “He would cure him of his leprosy.” What faith.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, help me to be faithful even with a little that you might be pleased. And if you should chose to give me more, than may I be as faithful with that as well. May others see my faith by my works that you may be glorified in me. I ask of your Holy Spirit for the will to follow through in obedience… even when it seems odd to me to do so. I want to be used by you and be a blessing to your kingdom. In Jesus’ name.
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