The passage I read was Luke 18:9-14
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
As I reflect:
I have to admit I have been both of the people Jesus spoke of in this parable. The important part and the overall point here to repent of sinful pride and present yourself humble before God. This isn’t something I’ve just done once, but like the last study I did this is an effort that needs to be continuously made. The flesh isn’t going away until I move into eternity and so until that time I must continue battling; nay, waging war against the flesh. A large part of that war is against things like lust, love of money, selfishness, doubt, hopelessness, judgment, and of course pride. These types of things are not often in your face, loud and obvious type attacks. These are creeper sins. They sneak in slowly over time doing damage along the way and often by the time you realize they exist, they’ve done extensive damage already. It’s beneficial to keep guard against such sin sneaking into your life. Beneficial because sin hurts us and those around us often destroying our witness and being used as a tool for the enemy to make us feel distant from God. But it’s also beneficial to keep guard against such sin because Jesus says, “those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
My response to the Lord:
My God, thank you for hearing my prayers. You truly are the most High King of Kings and I have no qualifications that allow me to approach your throne. I am so thankful that you not only hear me, but that you call me your child… You have adopted me. And now both as your servant and as your child and friend I ask you to keep me from becoming confident in my own righteousness and judging others in an unholy manner. I trust you as my Friend, my Master, My Father, and My God to guide me in such a way that if there is anything good found in me I give you the glory always. May I not fall into the temptation of exalting myself and becoming prideful. In Jesus’ name.
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