The passage I read was
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
13 "From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. 14 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace.
As I reflect:
For me this passage seems to be showing by example that a lifestyle choice to ignore God’s Word and continue in choosing worldliness over God will result in accountability and justice. God will correct. He will reproof. And, yes He will punish. He gave Israel warnings. They ignored Him. He warned more. They ran the other way mocking Him with their actions. Not only did they not follow His word, they totally hated it and did all that they could against God. Stiff-necked people. They were worldly and their “prophets” taught false messages. They became accustomed to sin and refused to accept reproof. God offered them every opportunity to repent. Eventually He had to allow them to reap what they were sowing.
The message appears to be in a larger sense that whatever you think you have gained from sin, you will lose far more than that. God eventually destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sinful lifestyles. Several times throughout history God has brought the Israelites to the brink of extinction because of their sin against Him. Each time, following the destruction, someone arises that groups people and leads them back to following God. And if the believer continues in a constant sinful lifestyle ignoring God’s reproof, God will give him over to his sin. Not to be destroyed, but rather so that the believer can be brought back after reaping the consequences that come with sin. To take His protective wing off of His people and allow them to reap what they sow is not hate, but love. It is designed to draw them back once all other methods are ignored. I hope not to be faced with a similar situation with any of my children one day. May they always heed my warnings and my advise so that they not reap the repercussions of mistakes I have already gone through in life.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, let not my heart grow cold or myself become accustomed to sin. May I always struggle against and never give into sin. May I not believe the lies of the enemy. Lord provide in me your unwavering truths written upon my heart and the will to not only stay the path, but to help others do the same. In Jesus’ name.
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