The passage I read was Psalm 145:1-7
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
3 Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
As I reflect:
This is one of those passages that can’t be read into as metaphorical with any kind of symbolism. It is flat out worship. That being said, I thought it best for my reflection to put this passage into my own words to praise God.
1 and 2) I will praise your name and give you glory all day, every day.
3) You are so great and worthy of far more that I can give. I can’t even begin to understand how great you are.
4) I have heard from my last father of some of the great things you had done in his life. He told me how wonderful you had been to him when he was down range in the Army and spending time reflecting on your word.
5) He told me how beautiful the scenery was and that he sat upon a hill watching the sun set and was fully consumed with how glorious you were. I’ve often thought of what he told me and in meditation have even experienced this beauty for myself.
6) As I ponder your creation, it is obvious to me that it is an evidence of your existence that is simply undeniable, and I find that I am not only 100% convinced of your Lordship, but also that I must tell others about you and what you have done throughout creation and my life personally.
7) As I have heard from him, I have also heard from your other children about how wonderful you are to us. I join them in experiencing joy and singing to you about how good it is to have you in our lives.
My response to the Lord:
My reflection today is also my response. Quite simply, I’m giving it all to God. All the glory, and honor, and praise, and everything I’ve got as well as all that I am.
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