The passage I read was Ephesians 1:15-23
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[f] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
As I reflect:
In the last portion of this first chapter, Paul shares his thankfulness and prayers for God’s holy people in Ephesus. He says he always remembers them in prayer. I must confess that I often forget about my brothers and sisters in Christ when I approach the Lord in prayer. When I do pray for other believers (which ought to be more often), I can take the next few verses of this passage (as well as many other passages throughout scripture) as an example to benefit my prayer life and grow over all as I spend more time with God on behalf of others.
In verse 17, Paul prays for them to receive the “spirit of wisdom and revelation”. He provides the reason behind this prayer as “so that you may know Him better.” I love that Paul clarifies his purpose in this prayer. It is good to know that the spirit of wisdom and revelation is not being prayed for for the selfish ambitions of a people but rather for the purpose that ought to drive us all…To know God better. I should pray much in the same way that my fellow believers might receive a better understanding/revelation of who God is in their lives.
In Verses 18-23, Paul prays for the Ephesian believers to be enlightened that they may know the hope to which God has called them and the inheritance that is for God’s holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. He goes on to explain that this power for those who believe is the same power as that which raised Jesus Christ Himself from the dead and placed him in his permanent seat of power and authority with God in Heaven. Paul was not only praying this, but also encouraging those who received this word that they in fact had the power of God with them and had a great inheritance to look forward to. In telling the Ephesians that he was praying for them to receive this knowledge and wisdom and then telling them what the knowledge and wisdom was that he was praying that they’d receive, he kind of just helped the prayer get answered. It’s like me writing a letter to whoever reads this blog telling you that, “I am praying that you will know that I love you regardless of who you are or what you have done.” In writing that to you, I have already fulfilled that prayer because you now know that I love you regardless of who you are and what you’ve done. Right? None the less, the example Paul exudes is one for me to remember in prayer both when I am in solitude and when I am among my brethren. I can encourage others in this way as well as indirectly offer the truth that God gives to those who believe. Note that Paul was basically telling the believers how powerful it is to be a believer who knows that the Power of God is with you. So I ought also to remind my fellow believers as I hope they will from time to time remind me. There are so very many instances when we believers can fall victim to being human and forget that God is with us and is able to do great things through us. Remind each other Of God’s great power, His victory over death so that you too may be victorious in your battles daily.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, how often I forget that your Holy Spirit is right here with me and has the power to overcome any of my adversaries. May I remember always your presence. How often I forget to pray for my fellow believers. May I always remember them in prayer. Lord, may I carefully chose my words that those who hear me pray as well as those whom I pray for would be encouraged and empowered to know you more. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
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