The passage I read was Genesis 17:1-8 & Isaiah 59:21
You can find those passages here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
Isaiah 59: 21 “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the LORD.
As I reflect:
As I looked at these two passages, bearing in mind that the theme of my men’s study group this week is “the model of multiplication”, I noted one similarity. I noticed that God, before making these covenants that applied to later generations as well, offered that there was qualification for said covenants. So, although the reflection should generally focus on the multiplication idea (which in this case would likely be a time of reflecting on how one person’s actions would result in the blessing of their generations to come), I instead focused on the required actions to receive said covenants.
In Gen 17:1 God says, “walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” In verse 2 He said, “Then I will make my covenant”. So There was a definite qualification for the covenant. Abraham (then Abram) had to continue to walk before the Lord faithfully (as he had done) and be blameless. There is a similarity in the Isaiah passage. Verse 21 (the assigned by our book) doesn’t actually show it, but go back and read the chapter and what you find is a completely sinful generation that is covered in guilt and requires a kinsman redeemer. In verse 20 we read, “The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,” declares the LORD. So again notice the qualification here is to repent of their sins. Again, be blameless. Though I’m not preaching a performance based salvation by any means (For it is by grace that you are saved through faith), I am saying that there are characteristics of the heart such as it being repentive to receive this covenant with God. The latter covenant actually applies directly to us as believers who have repented. We have the offered covenant of God’s Spirit being on us and His words being in our mouth. Now regardless of your blood line, if you are a believer in Christ and by actions you display that God is your Father, then you are by spirit of adoption a child of Abraham as well. Meaning that the covenant in Genesis also applies to you/us. So we (because Abraham walked blameless) also have yet another covenant for the Lord God to be our God eternally (and all that that in tells).
I think it’s easy after this reflection to consider just how strongly our actions in this life may affect the generations to come following us. Not only our own children either because we as Christians also understand the spirit of adoption just as we ourselves have been adopted into the Israelite 12 tribes and engrafted into the vine that is our Lord. In this way, we can more fully understand the reach that what we do today may have on those of tomorrow. For me, I chose to repent of my sinful past, and walk blameless in my life so that those who follow me, may be blessed by the example of my actions and by the Lord multiplying those actions in them. And sure, I know I will make mistakes, but thankfully I have a kinsman redeemer that has already paid for those mistakes that I may be considered blameless in my walk even though I deserve blame. In the New Testament, we are several times advised of a new covenant of forgiveness that stems from this living Redeemer. These are just 2 of many old testament verses that hint at what was to come.
My response to the Lord:
To my Kinsman Redeemer on High, I cannot with words thank you enough for paying for my crimes. Accept my life that I willing lay down if you would in any way use me for your glory. Yahweh my God, I ask you to multiply my efforts; my actions in this life that my children may learn from my example and do even greater things for your glory than I. I ask that you would not only multiply my efforts, but also bless them in their obedience to you. Multiply also their efforts Lord and bless others through them. In Jesus’ name.
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