The passage I read was 1 Corinthians 1:1-11
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
As I reflect:
Following his brief introduction Paul give praise to God for providing comfort to “us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive”. I have been asked more than once in recent interviews (as I am unemployed and searching for a career), “Why do you want to work here?”. Just as Paul points out here, I respond that it’s because I’ve been on the other side of the counter requiring the help of the employed here before and now I desire to provide to others as I was provided for. I can better understand the customer’s feelings because I have been in their shoes. Likewise, when we have suffered and received the comfort from the Lord, we can better understand other’s similar sufferings and share that comfort from God with them as well.
In verse 8 and 9, Paul explains the troubles they are experiencing saying they were “under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.”, and “we felt we had received the sentence of death.” Paul here shows us the value of transparency as he refused to put on a fake happy face when times are rough. He doesn’t play games, but after sharing the turmoil he is in, he does provide an epilogue we can all gain from. He explains that his tribulations were purposeful in that they allowed him to learn to rely on God and not himself. He then conveys the faithfulness and sovereignty of our God who delivered him and gives hope of future deliverance as well. We ought to be likewise transparent in our lifestyles being ever careful not to allow ourselves to take part in the, “having a relationship with Christ makes your life a bed of roses” game. Instead, we need to realistically let others know that we have trials and tribulations just as they do (and often because of our faith, far greater trials and tribulations than most) and that the difference between the saved and unsaved isn’t in circumstances, but in responses. We know Christ personally and thus we have the hope of deliverance from our temporary hardships. Note also, how it isn’t until after Paul shares his troubles being completely transparent that he ask for prayer and says that prayer has thus far granted them favor. If we aren’t transparent with others, it can be rather hard for our brothers and sisters to know what to pray for. If we always put on the faky Christian smile and say “everything’s huncky dory”, then how is a fellow believer to know when we are in need? Let’s be transparent with one another. Let’s keep it real. Let us not ignore the very real hardships we each face, but instead combat them head on with prayer and support for one another.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, help me to share the support that you so graciously give me. May my brothers and sisters and even those who don’t know you be transparent with me as I am with them that I may know what their struggles are and how best to support them. May they have their eyes and ears open also to my struggles to comfort and support me Father. I love the dynamic family structure you have allowed us as your followers and pray that this become more and more of a reality as myself and other believers grow together in our walks following after you. In Jesus’ name.
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