“Faith is the catalyst that unlocks and unleashes God’s
power. It is the common means available
to all regardless of abilities, gifting or experience. “- HighQuest
The passage I read
was Hebrews 11:13-22
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most
stood out to me:
16 Instead,
they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not
ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
As I reflect:
Continuing on from
yesterday’s passage, we read that some of these hall of famers didn’t get to
see what was promised to them on this side of Heaven. Though each of the promises the Lord gave
were fulfilled, some of them had to wait until the other side of Heaven to see
the fulfillment. It is no less the case
with us.
I have had a friend
and dearly loved brother in Christ ask me before why God isn’t answering his
prayers. It was heart wrenching to hear
as he explained that the Bible says, “ask and you shall receive” and so he has
spent years praying for his wife who is a woman of Christ stricken with Crohnes,
Degenerative Disc disease (7 bulging discs), Chronic Pain / Mayofacial pain syndrome &
Fibromyalgia, Generalized
Anxiety Disease, OCD, P.T.S.D., and 7 other life altering conditions that would
cause anyone to note the loss of ability to partake in many of life’s
joys. I could see the hurt in his eyes
as he explained his confusion at this. I
too pray for his wife daily, but though I expect God to fully heal her, I don’t
know if it will be on this side of Heaven or not. It may be that her entire life is a witness
so powerful to others that God has chosen to use her as a beacon; a lighthouse
for the many others in physical pain who need an example of spiritual freedom
in Christ despite physical hardship in the body. It may be for this reason alone that God is planning
to heal her upon her entrance into eternity and that her husband may not until
then see God’s promised answer to his prayers.
How dear God’s children are to him.
I know His desire is not for any of us to suffer, but from suffering come
our character and much fruit of the Spirit.
I and my brother in Christ are left to trust and have faith that in the
greater overall design, this hardship along with all the rest will be worked
together for our good and for the good of his wife. It will be counted to her as righteousness
that she kept the faith just as the aged Abram slept in tents having not yet
taken in the fullness of his promises from God in this life. It will be counted to her husband as
righteousness that he continued praying and trusting, just as Joseph continued
to pray and walk in faith despite his many life altering hardships and even
spoke of things not yet come at the end of his life knowing that the Lord would
care for His children and free them.
Faith is not
easy. It is often the most difficult
thing we can hold on to when life’s storms blow us this way and that and we
feel or see great hurt or pain in life.
But it is also the most powerful thing we can hold on to. Because it is through that same faith we can
stand on the solid rock and hold to the one true and omnipotent God. It is by that same faith that we can keep our
eyes focused on a heavenly country knowing full well without a doubt that this
world and our bodies are passing away, but there is an infinitely better place
awaiting us. The couple I described above
have been used by the Lord to inspire me to look to Heaven and trust my eternal
King and to remember that when the answers to our prayers don’t come right
away, we can still have faith that whether on this side of Heaven or after we
arrive at the end of this race God will heal us all and comfort us as we fall
in the arms of our Savior. I have faith
not only because of the great men of faith in the scriptures that have left us
an example, but because of the examples this couple and many great men and
women of God who surround me today still are.
Thank you all for the example of faithfulness you are.
My response to the
Lord of Heaven and of Earth, thank you for giving
me living examples of what it is to have faith despite circumstance. Those you have surrounded me with are diverse
and many are not currently reaping blessings but are keeping their eyes fixed
on the other side of Heaven. Thank
you. It is humbling to see their
faith. I am reminded that like job and
the many other examples that are now on the other side of Heaven, there is
nothing that can cause me to lose my faith or trust in what you have said and
done. My blessed redeemer, I trust you
with everything that I am to do as you will in and through my life here. I trust you to answer prayers in your
timing. I trust your word. I thank you for giving me a heart that allows
me faith in you and is not hardened or cold to you.
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