The passage I read
was Matthew 25:14-30
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most
stood out to me:
21 “His
master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful
with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your
master’s happiness!’
As I reflect:
So, usually when I
reflect on a passage I write down my thoughts on it right after reading it and
then I meditate on the idea all day and try not to forget the application from
the lesson. Today was different though. I read the passage and then spent all day
meditating on it and now I’m writing after a day of consideration. I’m still not sure I have found the words to
express my reflections, but I will try.
This parable tells
of a common occurrence of the times it was written where a property owner may
leave his valuables in the care of trusted servants while absent for great
periods of time. In this case, 3
servants. 2 of which were considered
good and faithful for making good use of the talents entrusted to them and the
third servant who was considered wicked and lazy for having made no use of the
talent but rather hiding it for a lack of understanding his master. Here is the implication of the parable.
Each servant of God
is entrusted with differing types and measure of gifts. It is expected of God’s followers to utilize
those gifts in a wise and obedient way to spread the gospel and invest in
furthering the kingdom of God. Many
professed followers however end up instead acting as the third servant did. They bury their gift. In other words they waste the gifts the Lord
has given. They become too caught up in just
thinking about their own salvation and considering no one else’s need for
Jesus. They invest nothing the Lord has
given them for furthering the kingdom of God.
They do fear the Lord, but it’s the completely wrong type of fear.
A reverent respect
type of fear of my Master drives me to want to serve Him better. With this thought in mind, I make daily
choices to be obedient to His word and share that word with others that they
might also choose life in Christ and join me in service. I take each breath as a gift, the ability to
type, stand, walk, and speak, all of it as a gift to be used for doing His
will. I don’t want to just barely get
into heaven. That’s not my goal. Nor is my aim to be greater than anyone else
there. But I do have a deep desire to
please my Father and that requires an investment. I can’t be lazy about following God. In fact the word “lazy” and “following” in
reference to God don’t belong in the same sentence… Ever! The point of walking with Christ is sharing the
gifts of that walk with others. I wasn’t
saved so I could hide Jesus in me and keep Him all to myself. I was saved out of love and from that love I
also ought to share consistently with others what I have received. If I don’t, then I never really got the point
to begin with. Love is a fruit, it is an
evidence of salvation. Without evidence
what am I but a fake? How can one claim
salvation in Christ and yet care so little about all the people around them
that are sinking to hell a little more every day? The answer: you can’t. If the gifts given to you are not of value
for you to use in reaching others, then my friend I am afraid for you, because
the implication in this parable for that person is that they too will join the
others in the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. I pray that if anyone read this and you recognize
yourself in the third servant, you get on your knees and pray for some boldness
and wisdom and share what He has given you.
We must recognize the great value of that gift, that talent the Lord has
given us and use it all for the glory of the Lord. Don’t waste His gift.
My response to the
Lord, I may struggle with the wording, but you know my heart
and you know the wonderful things you spoke to me today through this
passage. Thank you. Thank you for your word. Please help me to be a good steward of what
you have trusted to me. May I multiply
what you have given by sharing your love and truths with others that they too
may seek you and follow after you.
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