The passage I read
was Joshua 1:1-9
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most
stood out to me:
7 “Be
strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses
gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be
successful wherever you go.
As I reflect:
As I reflected on
this passage two things stood out to me about a servant. I looked mostly at Joshua, but there are
other examples of servitude to be learned from in Moses and in his relationship
with the Lord as well. Just looking at
Joshua though, I see a man who served a leader for many years without a single
thought of promotion to one day lead himself.
I think it’s not only important from a state of mind point of view to
humbly serve without thought of self advancement, but it’s also valuable from a
learning point of view. The experiences
one gains in being a servant simply to help another person is the very same
experience required to be a great leader one day. Joshua got to become a great leader because
he spent a lifetime serving. But he
needed something other than just his experience to be a leader. He needed God.
Joshua, like many of
us, was not a strong and courageous man.
He was a man with fears. He was a man happy to serve a leader but not so
ready to jump into the leader’s shoes and have the focus on him. He had a good heart for leadership but lacked courage
and strength as seen when in his youth he gave into peer pressure to build an
idol to worship. This was a character
flaw that needed to be repaired before leadership could occur. What kind of leader could fear the people he
leads more than the God he follows? This
being unacceptable, Joshua received not once, but twice the word from God
saying to be strong and courageous. This
is a word we all need to hear from time to time. We as servants and as leaders and as
followers of Christ whom the world sees, need to not be scared feeble weaklings
cowering in corners from our enemies. We
are instead to be bold, strong, and courageous and stand up for all that is
good and all that is holy. We are
warriors, Soldiers for Christ wearing full body armor in this spiritual battle. We are to protect others and help the less fortunate. How can we do that if we rely on a cowering
personality flaw? We can’t. We have to instead, like Joshua, learn to
rely on God so that we can be strong and courageous. We have to put on our armor daily in prayer.
I have heard it said that self confidence
leads to a man’s destruction, but God-confidence leads to successful leadership. Let us be confident in God’s ability to use
us for the tasks He has called us for and let us serve as if the battle was
already won. Let’s put our focus on God
and remember to meditate all day on His Word which guides us. In this way, we can be bold and courageous
trusting in God’s ability to use us. Let us be faithful in the little things,
knowing full well we may be training for the bigger things.
My response to the
Jehovah-Chatsahi, Lord my Strength, I am in a place where
you have offered me opportunities to serve in the small things. Help me to be faithful and serve you well in
these things. Even if nothing bigger
comes, may I pour all I am into the service you have allowed me to give. Use what I have Lord; what you have given me,
for your will. Train me in the way I
should go and help me to train my children and wife also that they may grow
stronger in you. Help me to rely on your
might Jehovah Tsori, Lord my Strength, that I may not fail in my weakness. May I be bold and courageous because of you
Jehovah ez lami, Lord my Strength. Thank
you for bringing me this far and for how far you have yet to bring me. My trust is in you for whatever this journey
holds. In the name of Jesus Christ I
pray. Amen.
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