The passage I read
was John 1:1-18
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most
stood out to me:
12 Yet
to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the
right to become children of God—
As I reflect:
Who are we talking
John went to both
Jews and Greeks and explained not “what Jesus did”, but “Who” Jesus is. For this reason he starts in terms they are
most familiar with using the word “Logos” to describe Christ. Saying, “The Word of God, made incarnate in
Jesus Christ”, was not only there in the beginning, but also He was and is God
and by him all things were made, John clearly starts off this gospel message
with a clarifying truth for all to know that Jesus IS God. John has first off clarified to his audience
that the person of Christ is not a created being but he is in fact that very
person of God that created all things.
He and the Father are one.
What’s this about?
In verse 8 he says “ He
himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.” Here Johns shows us also the attitude we
ought to have as we share truth with others.
I think too often we make our witness about us when it ought to be about
Christ. It’s easy to do and happens
surely on accident in most cases as we present the gospel to a stranger or
colleague and in an attempt to make the oats more salty; more desirable, we
share a short story about how it has had power in our own life. This is absolutely fine and in fact a useful
approach to sharing the gospel, but don’t forget to bring the conversation back
to the topic…Christ. It’s not about us,
it’s about God and how He wants a very real and intimate relationship with each
and every individual we speak with. We
are not the light, but we do share the light with others.
The privilege that
comes with open eyes.
This light being
discussed by John in verse 6-8 is not recognized by the world in verse
9-11. The very God who created us was
denied, turned away from, mocked, and murdered by us. Even the believers and disciples of Christ
today have to at some level admit that we are guilty of His crucifixion. For our sin was the very reason the nails were
driven. I wonder how many still turn
away from Him and don’t recognize Him today.
God is very present in these times but just as history has documented,
the majority still deny His very existence; giving credit to chance despite
overwhelming evidence of a Creator. For those
of us who have at some point received truth and realized it is just undeniable
to have had a design, we have turned to and sought after that Designer to learn
and grow in a relationship with Him who was, is, and is to come. In verse 12, John says of us that, “He gave
the right to become children of God—“
What a privilege it is to not only know the Creator, but to be able to
call Him Abba… I not only have a
relationship where I can call Jesus “Master”, but one where by His grace I can
call Yeshua my friend and I can call His Father, “My Father”.
The last paragraph
continues on with the same line of thought giving glory to God for who He is
and I think we all can take a queue card from John’s focused introduction here
as we speak with others in such a way as to reflect Christ’ glory, not our
own. I have reflected today on who my
Savior is and how I ought to give Him glory with all that I do, say, and
think. When I witness, it must be about
Him, not me. When I pray, I must ask of
His will, not mine. When I walk in gifts
and blessings, I must remember it is only by His grace and not any work of my
own that has deserved this blessed life.
My response to the
Father, I am thankful to call you my Father. I am broken at the thought that I deserve
such death and separation from you and yet by your grace you have adopted me
and call me your child. To you belong
all honor, and glory, and praise forever and ever. May I do even the least bit to be part of
glorifying you. I pray you help me share
your light and give you more glory by deed, word, and thought. Help me to know and be obedient to your will
for your glory sake. In the mighty name
of Yeshua I pray. Amen.
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