The passage I read was Acts 15:36-41
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
39 They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus,
As I reflect:
This week I have noticed a lot of the process of God’s selection of men, but today I see men’s selection process. Specifically at a point of failure as Paul and Barnabas come to a sharp contentment with each other over another believer and his previous abandonment of a missionary journey (for what ever untold reason). I noted that neither Paul nor Barnabas seemed to have an ear to the Holy Spirit in this disagreement, for surely brother in Christ ought not quarrel in such a manner. However, what was done was done. Thankfully not only did God make good come of their bad judgment, but He also helped them to reconcile some time later as mark was accepted by Paul in later accounts.
For me, it’s kind of hard to say for sure who was wrong or right in this situation without being there and knowing the reasons for each person’s argument. I think though, that I can kinda see both sides of the disagreement and I understand where both men were coming from. Perhaps had they a third party uninvolved to calm them and suggest a 3 way vote, things wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand. I understand Paul’s side as a strong and often forceful believer wanting to ambush the entire world at once for Christ giving up every single comfort along the way. I also understand Barnabas’s side as John Mark was a believer and wanted to come and the view is that everyone who desire to serve God can certainly be used. So on both sides of the argument I see a bit of me. I think if in his same shoes, I would have allowed John Mark to come along in hopes that whatever caused him to leave the first time was in the past and this second chance would be different. People after all, make mistakes. The question is, who learns from them. I hope that I can remember this story when the time comes for me to make a selection with any similarity. I hope that at that time, I will be wise and calm enough to bring it to God in prayer before adding fuel to a fire and going separate ways. I have made that mistake of breaking up a friendship over disagreements before, but I have also learned from that mistake and am now more accepting of the faults of my brothers and sisters, just as they are of my faults. May we none the less sharpen each other and remember to grow, learning from our mistakes.
My response to the Lord:
Oh Lord, how you know that we so often Sercombe to our emotions. I confess this as having been a fault of mine in the past and I pray that it not be a stumbling block in the future. Lord, may I always be slow to anger and be understanding in my speech with other believers. May I never make snap judgments or part ways because of differing opinions again. Lord, forgive me for my past and guide me in my future that I may be a better example of your love and wisdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ name.
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