The passage I read was Acts 16:1-10
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
As I reflect:
This week in my men’s Bible study group, we are daily focusing on “the Principle of Selection”. In this passage I do see that and it is revealed in the last verse. However, I also see another dynamic at play and would like to include that in the reflection time.
Idea 1: God through His Holy Spirit directs us in ways that we might not always expect. In fact, as often as we are directed by open doorways and loud and obvious “yes’s”, we are also directed by shut doors, and whispered “no’s”. Paul was direct by “no’s”. He wanted to go to Asia minor (now turkey) but the Holy Spirit shut that door. He wanted to share the Gospel in Bithynia, but the Holy Spirit shut that door as well. Then guided by a vision, Paul and His team went to Macedonia. In reflecting on the method by which this occurred, I am left to reason that even in our lives we are still today guided at times by “no’s”. In my case I have spent the last year of my life searching for a career to provide for my family and I have been met with “no’s” (many of which were at places that previously would have offered me employment quite easily). This is the work of the Holy Spirit guiding me. Each closed door, brings me one step closer to finding His will. This is the perfect passage of scripture for me to identify my experiences this past year with and also to give me great cause to be encouraged as we come to the second Idea.
Idea 2: Luke as the writer, uses the word “they” up until verse 10. He then says, “we”. This to me indicates that the detours that the Holy Spirit set Paul on were in fact to get to the point of meeting and including Luke on their journeys. This is a wonderful example of the perfect plan of God. You see, had Paul even once failed to heed the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He may have ended up in the wrong region sharing a message to a people that were unreceptive and ended up martyred too soon. He never would have come across Luke. The book of Acts would not have been written. If you have ever read this book, than you can see how it would be hard to imagine how many more questions we as believers would have. The book of Acts is most informative and I believe quite needed in helping us to grow. Luke’s words have reached and helped to change many lives all as a credit to the Holy Spirit.
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