The passage I read was Luke 8:26-39
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
37 Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left.
As I reflect:
I feel like I’ve read this passage a thousand times but never really took the time to reflect on it. I know that I have heard multiple sermons dealing with some of the topics form this passage. But I don’t think any of them dealt with the principle of selection. Today, I am reading this passage to focus on “the principle of selection”, though I would also note that other common topics of study from this passage may include, demonology, the authority of Jesus, pushing Jesus away, and the value of possessions. Those are at least a few of the things that I will try not to go off on a tangent on today.
So for the principle of selection, I am drawn to how Jesus responded when the people of the region of the Garasenes asked him to leave. He did so. Their hearts did not desire God’s work in their lives more than they desired their possession not to be destroyed. How odd I thought. Here is the Son of God as called aloud by the demons in the sight of the witnesses, and He performs this miracle displaying both His authority as well as His compassion and love, and even displays the true purpose of demons in their destructive nature so that every witness had opportunity to see that this truly was the Messiah. And yet, people responded with fear and asked Him to leave. I wonder how often this is still true today.
We are still living in a time when people are offered the options of Putting God rightfully prioritized above their own possessions. Unfortunately, just as in this story, many people today still value their possessions more than God’s desire to work in their lives. Thankfully, even though Jesus agrees to leave, He still cares enough to leave a witness in His stead. Think about it… Not only will all the towns people have a great conversation starter discussing the suicidal possessed pigs they lost, but also they will have witnesses to God’s authority, and a first hand experience from the man that was healed as he proclaims the truth throughout the land. I believe Jesus was thinking ahead when He told the demons to enter the pigs, knowing they would then be driven down the cliff to drown. I believe Jesus already knew the hearts of these people and what they valued and was making sure that before He was told to leave, He left a memorable impression of How He can heal, but demons destroy. Then He also was sure to leave a witness to further work from that starting point. An intelligent approach to witnessing based on the subjects of the witness.
This is a perfect example of selection from both directions. God selecting a people to reach that didn’t want reaching. The people selecting their heart’s position and placing their possessions at higher value than God. His Son then selecting the perfect candidate to witness in His absence.
If you push Jesus away and tell Him you want nothing to do with Him for whatever reason, know that He may very well respond and do as you have requested. So be careful what you ask for. However, being as He is compassionate and understands how often we make mistakes, He loves us enough to give multiple chances throughout our life time for us to change our mind.
On a side note, me and this healed man have something in common (you may too). We both had a past that was put behind us by Jesus. We both desired to be with Him and Him alone. And we both were told to tell others what God has done for us. It can be hard at times as a Christian to long for our true home in Heaven and yet be told, “not yet. You have work to do”. Though I am honored to work the harvest with my fellow family in Christ, I still long for the day I can embrace and be embraced by my Savior face to face. I understand how this healed man felt.
My response to the Lord:
God of all creation, You truly have all the authority and all glory is due your name. I am thankful that you allowed me so many opportunities after I so blatantly pushed you away and by my action spat in your face. You compassion and love has overwhelmed me. I thank you that you kept putting believers in my life that would tell me little by little of your love and forgiveness. I thank you for saving me, for selecting me lead my wife, raise a family, and reach others that are in need of the same love that you showed me. Empower me and work through me that every day I may honor you with my actions and be a useful member of your body. In Jesus’ name.