You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
As I reflect:
David starts off praising the work of the Lord. Specifically the skies. He says eloquently that the sun is strong and moves steadily and is hidden perfectly until again it will move across the sky. He is complimenting the wonderful perfection of God’s creation. He also explains of the “heavens” that knowledge is being shared from the stars. This is not mythology. He is saying if it weren’t for there being a day and a night, and we all lived in eternal day time, we may never have known just how infinitely large the expanse of God’s glory really is. This doesn’t need to be spoken by the stars. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, we can look to the Heavens and see millions of reasons to glorify God and we are left without excuse to deny His existence. Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
The next 3 verses seem to change direction a little (much like the “Lord’s Prayer” starts with the hollowed name of the Lord and moves to the bread of the manner). David moves his focus to the word of God. He uses multiple words to describe it, but he means all of the words that God has given us… Not just the law. The reason verse 7 stood out to me the most is it is about me. Maybe it’s about you too. But I remember when I was at my simplest moment. I remember when my mind was almost gone and when my soul seemed sold permanently into slavery of Satan. I remember when I walked into the homeless shelter so many many nights ago and found the Word of God on my bunk. On that night, I read the LAW and as I read I realized my need for God and as I cried and prayed, I received revival. My soul was refreshed and the word of the Lord taught me, making me wise. I became wise to what I had become and what I needed to do, and from that night on, I trusted Jesus. Verse 7 is about me. It’s true. The word of God is trustworthy and it refreshes the soul and makes even the simple to be wise in the Lord. Verse 8 goes on to describe the joy to the heart that comes from the word. David says His commands give light to the eyes. Verse 9 says the fear of the Lord is pure and endures forever and all of them are righteous. All these things, I can personally attest to as 100% true. Ask me why I believe in the Bible… It’s my story.
In verse 10 and 11, David speaks of the value of the word of God. He says it’s more precious than gold and sweeter than honey… Why? He says that it warns and in obeying there is great reward. As he speaks about being warned and rewarded he is drawn to pray for forgiveness. I love the way he speaks so humbly as to admit that both known and unknown sin not only can occur in his life, but if not properly dealt with can also rule over him. (again, I feel like his psalm is in several ways paralleling what is commonly referred to as the Lord’s prayer). Here we get to the “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us and lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil” portion of the prayer. But David doesn’t only ask for forgiveness, he recognizes his need for repentance and forgiveness of even his unknown sins and ask for the Lord to help him not to sin. He speaks of unknown sin and willful sin saying that if the Lord helps him to not commit either, then He would be blameless and innocent of great transgression. And then comes the hope of all of the followers of Christ, that what we say, sing, pray, think, and feel (our very hearts) would be pleasing to the Lord. David wraps up this psalm saying, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” May we pray no less with our very lives than that in faithfulness we may also please Our Redeemer.
My response to the Lord:
My Redeemer, I truly know what it is to have a kinsman redeemer for you stepped in and not only paid my debt but rehabilitated me and changed me into so much more than I was. Lord, I look not only at the skies and at the oceans and the animals and see the greatness of your creation; your perfect design, but also, I often look at something as simple as my finger and think about the millions of things that happen perfectly just for me to be able to move a finger. I think about how you made every intricate detail of us with purpose. I think about how you knew how many hairs I would have on my head before I was born. How purposeful your design is Father. Oh that the foolish would have their eyes opened to your great glory in creation and in every one of us. May you be glorified by your creation Lord. May I glorify you in my very existence. Lord, like David and like every other person living today, I too need forgiveness. I too am imperfect not because of your design but because of the fall; because of my own free will and the sinful nature of my flesh. Lord, I pray not only that you would forgive my sins (both known and unknown) but that you would also lead me in light that I would not sin. I desire to be pleasing to you Father and I desire to be obedient to your word. This is why I pray for my Helper to guide me. Your Holy Spirit help me not to sin against you Father. In the same way that Paul told the Romans that sin is no longer their master, may I also be under your grace eternally Lord. I thank you for your word and the great miracles you have produced in my life as a result of receiving your word. May the story continue in me and in all believers till the day we meet Jesus face to face. May your followers be blessed and shine brightly your Word into all the world. In Jesus’ name.
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