The passage I read was Mark 4:1-10
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
As I reflect:
Every parable is kind of like a story that is told to parallel an idea or teaching. In each parable’s case, there is a “key” that is needed to understand the parable or it may easily be misinterpreted in many different ways. One of the reasons that Jesus spoke in parables is to cause his followers to make their own choice on how deeply they desired truth. A parable would give the listeners the opportunity to either focus and meditate deeper to gain understanding of the meaning and its application to them, or to display their lack of interest in the surface value of “just another story” and thus turn their hearts away. Jesus didn’t always make thing plainly obvious and simple thus leading people to only drink milk. Jesus didn’t desire followers that wouldn’t grow and become stronger as they followed. He wanted them to take not only milk (easy teachings) but also the bread and meat (the harder concepts that force growth). Following this particular parable, in verse 14, Jesus gives the disciples the key to the parable telling them that the farmer is sowing “the word”. With this key it becomes easier to understand what Jesus is teaching us. If you haven’t read verse 14-20 in addition, I would recommend doing so as to receive from God the meaning of the parable… but perhaps challenge yourself before you do, and see if simply knowing that the seed is “the word” is enough for you to decipher the parable.
Often called “the parable of the sower”, this parable is perhaps better titled as “the parable of the soil” as the focus isn’t on the farmer (the sower) or on the seed (the word), but rather on the soil (the recipient).
The pathway
Some seed fell on the pathway and was quickly eaten by birds. This scenario is regarding a person who hears the word, but then is unable to apply it because of how quickly Satan comes in and destroys/steals that word from them. I think of this scenario as when supposed Christians go to church and then as soon as they leave church they forget everything that was taught and fail to apply any of it to their life as they race out of the parking lot and speed home to indulge themselves in the super bowl. I can just as easily be compared to the young adult who after attending his youth group leaves to have adulterous sex with his girlfriend before hitting up the clubs where he will consume until intoxicated. He was given the word, but it didn’t gain any root at all.
Rocky ground
Some seed fell on rocky ground and grew up quickly, but because they had shallow roots, when the sun came up they quickly withered and died. This scenario is regarding a person whom hears and receives the word quickly and happily so. The only issue with this person is that they are not fervently founded in the word. They lack fellowship, Bible study, support, prayer life. They are only just barely skin deep Christians who are not at all prepared for the hardships that come with being a follower. When they are tested by trials and tribulations they will quickly fall away from the life that is in Christ. I once knew someone that I would perhaps define in this way. She took shelter at our home for an extended stay and was brought with us to church, partook in all of our Bible studies, and for all intents and purposes appeared to have her own relationship with Jesus. She spoke “Christianese” and memorized verses and worshipped Our God with us. All this occurred while we held her hand, but when the time came to release her into her own place of living, she quickly fell victim to all the old temptations and was soon gone fully back into the world. We saw her profile online about a year later and found that this particular “Christian” who had stayed with us was now professing to be an atheist and was selling her body for a living in New York. This is the example of a seed falling upon rocky ground, gaining shallow root, and then quickly withering when the sun comes out.
Among thorns
The final seed that did not grow properly was the seed that fell among thorns. This is the seed that gained good root and grew but found itself surrounded by thorns and choked out, thus unable to bear fruit. This is a parallel to those who received and grew in the word but became unfruitful because they bought into the lies of wealth and their desires for worldly treasures choked the word of God until they could only hear but not apply what they learned in their own lives. I also know of examples of this seed’s growth. I have had friends that I watched receive the word and even get offers to become leaders in the church. I have watched these same friends have every opportunity to spread the gospel to their own families and friends and strangers and apply the word to their life. I have watched these friends time and again, chose not to tell even their own children about salvation and instead show them by example how to buy the nicest of things and live in such a way as to strive with every ounce of their being to gain more money, more possession, and more selfish endeavors into this temporary life. All of their values have been skewed by the world and pulled and tugged at by the desires of this life until their lives no longer have any representation that could convict them of being saved. They become unable to apply the word and turn a deaf ear to the passages that should convict and invoke change in one’s life. Eventually they will become just like the rest of the unbelievers living identical to those that are in need of salvation.
Good soil
The final area that the seeds fell was upon “good soil”. This is speaking of those who would hear the word of God, accept it, and produce a crop (be fruitful) multiplied. These are my closest brothers and sisters whom I have no doubt have heard the word, shared it, applied it, live by it, and grown in it. These are those who follow Christ not only by word but by action. These are those whose relationship with Christ is evidenced in every area of their life. We know the value of the seed and we support each other in growing . We are pruned by the Farmer and we look forward to the day that He harvests us.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, thank you for what you have done in my heart and in my life. I realize that though I used others as comparison in the parable you told, in all reality I have been each of those soils at one point or another within my life. It is only thanks to your continuous tilling and nurturing that I eventually was able to receive your word, get deeply rooted, and eventually grow. I thank you for the roots of my brothers and sisters who help to hold me up. I thank you for all the support and outlets you have provided to help me to be fruitful and grow. I thank you for your continuous pruning and watering and feeding and giving light. You deserve all honor and all glory for any and every thing that is good in me today. May you alone be glorified throughout the future of my growth as well. I pray Lord that for those whose soil is not ready to receive the seed of the gospel, you would do a good work in them and use me as you will to help. I pray that for those that have received the word, you would help me in this great harvest to guide, encourage, cut back the thorns and bring light and truth that they would not be choked and become unfruitful. For those who have not yet received the seed at all, Father provide me courage and the words to share that the gospel may be delivered to them. Father, use me as you will to bring you glory. In Jesus name.
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