The passage I
read was Luke 8:4-15
You can find that passage here:
The verse that
most stood out to me:
15 But the
seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the
word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
As I reflect:
You know, I have read this
particular parable many times and reflected from multiple angles on its meaning
and application to our lives. Never have
I looked at it to consider perseverance though.
This was a first for me.
At first I thought perhaps I will
reflect on how the seed that fell on the path and was quickly eaten by birds,
is an example of those who lack the ability to persevere against Satan’s
crimes… But then I realized without God, they would have no way to persevere
against the enemy. Then I thought maybe
the focus of perseverance lays among the thorny bushes. These Christians should have persevered
against the distractions, worries, and riches of the world. But then again, they were never removed or
separated from such things to begin with.
Their soil wasn’t prepared and cleaned.
I wondered if the topic would be better reflected on looking at seed
among rocks. But again I was left
considering the obvious excuses for lacking perseverance. The only option I found, was looking at
I am the soil that is
fertile. In me I have the word which is
the seed of my new life. Here, in this
soil I see the potential for all of the dangers that effected the other seeds
but with one huge difference. I find
myself being looked after, watered, fed, protected from weeds and thorns. I can take no credit for my soil; my heart,
for it was by with great heart ache and pain that it was broken and prepared to
receive the seed. I didn’t choose God
before He chose me. Of this I am
certain. I never would have chosen to be
humbled in the manner that it occurred.
I never would have chosen to be broken down and lose everything for the
sake of finding new life. This was God’s
doing. His Holy Spirit worked the field
and prepared me to receive the Word of God.
For those who believe today; who
diligently seek Christ, we must persevere against thorns and weeds of the world
that attempt to blind us and choke the word of God out of us. We must persevere and watch for the enemy’s
attempts to steal the truth we so fervently believe. We must persevere against the climate of
rocky terrain under scorching heat as we seek deeper root daily feeding on
every Word that comes from God. We are
refreshed by His good grace being poured out on us a new each day. May we grow and persevere that our Master be
pleased with the fruitful crop we become.
May we also reach out to one another and help keep the garden free from
distractions, lift one another up when weary, and keep watchful eyes over one
another to protect each other from unseen attacks.
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