The passage I read
was 2 Peter 1:3-11
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most
stood out to me:
8 For
if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from
being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As I reflect:
When I explained
this to my family, we used marriage as the example. I explained that when me and my wife married
some things began to change right away and other things changed with time. We immediately confirmed our marriage to one
another and have not since ceased to show by action our love for one another. We have grown to know each other’s weaknesses
and strengths. We know each other’s
favorite colors, foods, activities. We
share a common love for each other, our kids, extended family, friends, and
even strangers as we walk through this life hand in hand. There is evidence of our marriage. We don’t need to carry our marriage license
around with us to prove that we are married.
The way we treat each other in action and word speaks more volume to
prove our marriage to one another than any paper ever could. I asked how many people would believe that we
were married if we told them we were married but they never met our spouse. What if they never heard me speak well of my
wife, saw my love for her in my actions and instead saw me with other women on
a regular basis living in a way that would be displeasing to any wife. Obviously my actions would prove that I hadn’t
a wife at all despite my words to the opposite. This is part of the point I get out of this
We Christians and
Messianic Jews are a saved people by our faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that He took our punishment and
place on the cross and died for our sins.
But it is important to also remember that He rose from the grave to give
us also resurrection power over our old selves.
Too often a person claims salvation because they have faith in what
Jesus did, but then they live in such a way that directly contradicts the idea
of them being saved from anything at all.
They disclose by action that they are very much the same person now as
they were pre salvation. There is no
evidence of a relationship with God. No
conviction, growth, understanding, or love to prove that they are the bride of
Christ. Verse 5 – 7 are just some of the
characteristics that by the power of Christ in one’s life ought to be displayed
and also deeply rooted in the believer. These
are some of the evidence of our faith.
In verse 9 Peter defines a person without these qualities as nearsighted
and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. In verse 10, he goes on to encourage us to
therefore make every effort to confirm our calling and election. He says doing these things will keep us from
For me in my
relationship with my wife, I sometimes make mistakes. When I make them, I am usually immediately
aware that a mistake has been made because it is so obviously out of the normal
communication and relationship I have come to cherish so greatly between
us. It is likewise with my God; my
Groom, that I sometimes also make mistakes in that relationship. Thankfully, He (like my wife) is forgiving
and continues to love me despite my lack of worthiness for His love. I daily have to remind myself in everything
to make every effort to confirm my relationship with Christ by my words and
deeds that my faith may be proven true as it affects my life and the lives of
those around me. Every morning I ask God
for His renewed strength to help me through the day. For it is surely an impossible task without
My response to the
Lord I pray you daily continue to add to my faith goodness,
knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and
love. I know there is still much room
for more of these and it is painfully evident in my every mistake. Father forgive me when I fall and by your
power lift me back up and walk with me still.
Thank you for your great and precious promises; for allowing me to
participate in your divine nature; for delivering me from corruption. I trust you to continue your wonderful work
in me Lord. In Jesus’ name.
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