The passage I read was I Samuel 13:1-5
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
13 “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.
As I reflect:
Ah yes. What a wonderful passage for the topic of “choices” this week. So many choices both bad and good are discussed in this chapter and each of them shows also the consequence of those choices.
Jonathan attacked the Philistine outpost at Geba. This is the first choice made in this passage and the outcome is war.
Saul heard of the attack and took credit for it. This was a selfish choice that ended up putting Saul in a situation that he was not yet prepared for.
As the Philistines numbers became clearer as impossible to defeat, many of Saul’s army made choices to run and hide, but Jonathan chose as he did the first time. He chose to do battle. His decision eventually led to a war won, but not without loss and consequences.
As Saul’s army diminished from fear while he waited on Samuel, he made a bad choice to take on a roll that belonged to the priest. Saul made a sacrifice that only a priest (at that time) should make. The consequence? Saul’s family line would no longer continue to reign. Wow! What a high price to pay for disobedience.
Now, as I look over the passage, I have no doubt at all that each choice that was made had a reason behind it. Just as today our choices are not often blindly made. We too have reasons and feel that our reasons are good. But had Saul been obedient to the word, his choice would have been different and his son would have had opportunity to rule as king. Had Jonathan sought first the will of God, he may have found this battle and ultimately the war not yet due. Had the army of Saul feared God more than man, perhaps they’d not have fled. Only God knows what would have happened had the choices made have been different.
I don’t yet know what great blessings or trials and tribulation that cause growth may come my way in life. But I know that my choices may determine what battles I enter. I fear not battle, for victory is always the Lord’s, but one thing I do… To make a human choice without God’s approval and thusly enter in to disobedience. I love my Heavenly Father. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. Because I love God and His presence here with me, I also desire greatly to obey what He commands. Just as a child who desires to please his parents also desires to obey them, so should we be obedient with our choices.
My response to the Lord:
Lord, I thank you for the stories of history that you have given us as example. I don’t want to make foolish choices based on impulses instead of wisdom. My Father, I ask of you in Jesus’ name please provide me with wisdom and patience to make right choices in obedience to you. May I never start a war or run head first into a battle that you have not first called me into. May I never take credit for someone else’s deeds, but always give glory to you. And finally Abba, may I always know my role and be a good steward of the responsibilities of that role. Amen.
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