The passage I read was john 15:1-11
You can find that passage here:
The verse that most stood out to me:
8 This is to my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
I also really like verse 2 which says, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
As I reflect:
To me, this stands out as a black and white passage (for or against Him). There is simply no room for grey in the statements being made. One is either for Christ or against Him; abiding in Him or not abiding in Him. I absolutely love the analogy of the vine and the fruit. This type of analogy was used often in history for several reasons but is perhaps most powerful and effective here. As I reflect, I see a few things being said here and I would break down the passage in this way. If you are a follower of Christ by word, then by action you ought also be obedient to His word and remain in Him. A result of this is bearing good fruit and a great deal of it. On the other hand, If you are not a true follower of Christ, then you will not abide in Him and as a result you will be separated and burned. This is a pretty clear analogy if you ask me. It makes perfect since. It also shows that Jesus wants us to grow and follow/do what He has told us to. It doesn’t get much plainer than that. I love how Jesus speaks of “pruning” here. As Christian in fellowship with other Christians we often hear about “iron sharpening iron”, but it seems more rare now days to hear of God’s direct work on our lives and this if nothing else is an analogy of that reaching into us and doing a great work today. We are being pruned. I can’t think of that as a pleasant experience. Pruning doesn’t feel good, but give it a season or two and note the ample difference in growth once pruning has been accepted and new fruit is seen. May we keep our lives open to the pruning of the Holy Spirit as the work of God is being made complete in us.
My response to the Lord:
Most High, may my actions speak more to my words in life and may all that I am glorify you. You are worthy of all honor and praise. Today I have received a message that reminds me of my adoption into a new family and my engrafting into a great and mighty vine. On my own, apart from you, I was and would still be nothing. Ever thankful is my soul that you have chosen me to bear fruit. By the power of your Holy Spirit may I never fail to produce good fruit as an evidence of the saving work you are doing on and in me and my family. I thank you Jesus for pruning me. I thank you for chiseling away every iniquity. I thank you Father for molding and making perfect my imperfection for your will. I invite you to never cease your great work in me for the sake of furthering your kingdom. In Jesus name.
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