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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Genesis 19 (in home Bible study)

Welcome to our living room.  Enjoy joining us in the study.

To those following along with us in Genesis, I'm sorry for the delay in this study.  When I was recording it I lost about 10 minutes of video somehow and so my editing (adding verses and removing distractions) was brought to a stop by the missing portion of the study.  I did eventually re-record that part of the study so that it would be a complete chapter but it was further delayed by the recent holiday.  I spend a great deal of time during the holidays trying to share truth (just as it was once shared with me) so that some may have opened eyes and chose to serve God and come out of the traditions of the world.  This year was quite the spiritual battle and I had to keep turning to the Lord in prayer as I was being drained by some of the persecution I was receiving.  But alas the holiday passed and the Lord gave me peace in the tribulation.  I press on toward the goal.  Press on with me as I teach my family the application of the Word of God in our lives.

Be encouraged to daily read the Word and pray, keeping your eyes on the LORD that we not fall victim to the slow fade.  In this chapter we discussed Lot's slow fade from a man of righteousness to a carnal believer and the steps that brought him there.  We also examined right and wrong judgment and how sin corrupts our moral compass and the long term and short term effects of sin on us and those around us.

My only goals in sharing these home studies are that:
1.  God be glorified
2. I have accountability in transparency
3.  Others are encouraged to teach their children/families
4. To invite you into my home to share with us in the blessing it is to study His word together. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Genesis 18 (in home Bible study)

So this was a full chapter study with consideration and discussion every few verses in relevance to daily application in the Christian's life.  Specifically the chapter is looked at in light of our friendship with God. 

My only goals in sharing these home studies are that:
1.  God be glorified
2. I have accountability in transparency
3. Others are encouraged to teach their children/families
4. To invite you into my home to share with us in the blessing it is to study His word together.

If you'd like to skip the review portion following the opening prayer, the review normally takes about 10 minutes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Genesis 17:14-end (in home Bible study)

So I found the rest of Genesis 17.  Thankful I did.  I started adding verses on the screen when a reference is being read.  Here it is.  Welcome to our living room.  Enjoy joining us in the study.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Genesis review through ch17. 1st Abraham timeline page.

So I finished Genesis 17 with the family but lost the 2nd part of the chapter video some how.  Oh well.  Here is a short review we did of the previous chapters up to 18 (just over ten minutes of review usually) and then we started the first of 8 pages of time line on the life of Abraham.  Feel free to try and count the # of times I say the word, "absolutely".  It's got to be a high number for sure.  I got the time line from my logos software (you can get these at if interested).  I added a picture of it in the video though so you can just pause there if ya wanna join us in the study, or feel free to pause at each point a question is asked and find the answer yourself.  This Bible study was unlike the traditional "teaching" and much more simply family fellowship and a short verse search together. My only goals in sharing these home studies are that:
1.  God be glorified
2. I have accountability in transparency
3.  Others are encouraged to teach their children/families
4. To invite you into my home to share with us in the blessing it is to study His word together. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Genesis 17 v1-14 (home Bible study)

I haven't composed a blog in a while but it's not from lack of topics to post or studies being done.  Life is super busy with four kids, mentor-ship and weekly and daily Bible studies and a full time job.  But I still wanted to share in case it may benefit others as well as keep me accountable by allowing for transparency.   That being said it would seem the easiest way to do so may be via audio or video recordings of the studies themselves.  I figure this way I don't have to come up with additional time to sit and type for several hours.  Anyhow, we recently did a home Bible study on Genesis 17 vs1-14 and I thought I'd share the audio file.  Hopefully this is something I can keep doing time wise.  It'd be nice to be able to post our journey through the Bible at home.
What we typically do is a short review from Genesis 1 forward so we remember the progression of the story.  In this way the Bible can be an incremental learning experience for us.