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Saturday, March 26, 2011

week of 3-22-11 4th recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was Romans 13:8-14

You can find that passage here:

The verse that most stood out to me:

12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

As I reflect:

In the first verse here, Paul says, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” I like that he includes that this is a continuing debt. It can never be paid. I will never come to a point in my life when I will say, “I have loved as much as is needed and now I am done loving others.” It doesn’t work that way. Just as the Father’s love for us doesn’t run out. That tells me that the journey I began so many years ago is not a journey that will have an end. So I’m not trying to get to an end as much as trying to be more effective in the means. That’s what I received from the first portion of this passage.

The second portion of the passage says that the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus is soon. And that we should wake up, take off the darkness, and put on the light of Jesus. I can see in this a scenario of servant and master and the servant (knowing the return of his master is soon) must quickly get out of his bad habit of pretending to clean and start actually getting the job done. The scenario of course isn’t full proof, because we who are truly saved are not only servants but friends of God and we truly desire to serve Him. That being said, I can take this as a daily reminder to shed off my old self; the sinful flesh that I was once commanded by, and instead to daily put on the armor of God; to walk in the light of my Lord; to abide in righteousness. And included in that daily devotion is the loving of other people which actually is the fulfillment of the law. For if I love another:

I desire not his wife (no adultery)

I desire not his possessions (no coveting)

I don’t want to steal his possessions (no stealing)

I don’t hate him (no murder)

In this way does my love for others fulfill the law. May I be a Christian that is very much awake and growing and bringing the kingdom nearer and may the Lord produce much good fruit in and through me. May I never fall into a dark sleep pretending to walk with God but knowing not His will as so many in the church are today.

My response to the Lord:

Lord, I am not deserving of your love. I am not deserving of your grace or mercies. In fact, I have not earned anything from you apart from death and eternally damnation. I thank you for the redeeming work on the cross and from the tomb which could not hold my Savior. I thank you that though I earned only wrath, you have forgiven me, adopted me, brought me into the light of your Son, and promised me a place at your table in your home, in your eternal kingdom. Lord, thank you. I pray you help me to love others as selflessly as you have loved me. Open the eyes of my heart and help me to act rightly on what is seen. I am alive in you and I am awake in you Lord. Let me not fall asleep in the world, but rather shine so intensely through me that those who are asleep will be blinded and woken up to serve the King of Kings. Hear me Father and grant my patient petition in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, March 25, 2011

week of 3-22-11 3rd recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was 1 john 2:7-12

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

As I continue in this journey of loving more/judging less (for me anyway – don’t know what you might get from it) I read here John’s reminder that hate (which has been said the same as murder) is also a fruit of the darkness one must walk in to display it. Whereas love lives in the light where there is nothing to make one stumble. John then reminds that we have been forgiven on account of His name.

As I reflect:

Firstly, good to know who is being talked to here. John is writing to those who already know Jesus and are saved. These are Christians. He is writing directly to me (and you too if you are a reader with a relationship with the most High). So in this passage when he says “brother or sister” (or in some translations “neighbor”), he is actually talking about other Christians. As in we are to love other Christians and this is an evidence/result of walking in the light. Without this evidence, how can one say they are in the light?

I read a saying recently and don’t know who to credit for it, “Following Jesus would be easy if it weren’t for all the Christians.” Sadly a great number of people feel this way. For me, it would be slightly adjusted to my pet peeve, “Following Jesus would be easier if His followers valued His words more.”

I have noticed that this issue I have with followers misquoting the Bible, or leaders of the church teaching false doctrine, or (the big one to me) fake Christians who carry the title but not the life affecting beliefs may be a direct result from my learning wrongly to expect more from Christians than the unsaved. God is correcting that thought process through John. I am commanded to love them. It’s not optional. So what I am trying to do is modify my thinking to see others without the labels of sins and with only the label of “loved by God”. I must train myself to see past my pet peeve and love regardless. It’s rough to retrain myself, but thus far I have bit my tongue more in the last two weeks than perhaps a lifetime. I think it’s a good step in the right direction and I plan on continuing to take steps in that direction until I am able to see through God’s eyes and respond with God’s heart. For my failures on this journey, I am thankful for forgiveness.

My response to the Lord:

Lord, you are the light of my life. You are worthy of all I can give. You are holy and to be wholly praised. You have known me when my life was hanging by a thread. You could see into the depths of my soul and despite all the darkness that was there, despite my heart of stone you took me by the hand and pulled me a shore from the mire and muck I was drowning in. You saw me for my potential and you knew what you could do in me. You never labeled me a failure or doomed for hell. You instead performed surgery and removed my heart of stone, replacing it with all of your mercy and grace. I have a new heart because of you. I am loved undeservingly because of you Father. You gave me life abundant, and now I desire to give back to you. I want to help. I want to be used by you. God help me to see others as you saw me. Remove from me anything that is not of you and fill me completely with your Holy Spirit that I may be used to love others as you have loved me. May you fill me with a love that is blind; a love that is sacrificial; the love of a servant. Lord I ask for a love that is patient and kind. I ask for a love that doesn’t envy or boast and is not proud. I ask for a love that doesn’t dishonor others and that is not self-seeking, not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. Lord place in me a love that doesn’t delight in evil, but rejoices in truth. Place in me a love that always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. In Jesus name.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

week of 3-22-11 2nd recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was Romans 12:9-21

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Here Paul gives what could be looked at almost as a checklist for what love looks like in action. Almost every sentence of this passage is a do or don’t do of the action of loving others. It would be difficult for me to choose a favorite verse from this passage as every verse carries such useful truth and power in it. (Especially if actually used/applied in your life)

As I reflect:

I thought I’d put this passage in checklist format to better break it down, but when I did that I came up with 16 things that can’t be done without God. Writing it out in a list did help me to see that some things in the passage were not part of the list of do’s and don’ts but instead they were the proof or product of the do’s and don’ts. It’s good to know the byproduct of something because that is what will help you to measure the success of that thing. In this case the thing is how to put love into action and some of the proofs are along the lines of who you associate with and on what level you think of them. Another proof of love in action is deeds of kindness toward those that we are typically taught to hate as a society (for example – your enemies). There are of course many other proofs of love being put into action, but just from the few proofs given in this passage I can examine my life and see what has already been made an obvious truth that must be corrected in my life…. I love too little or often for the wrong reasons. There is nothing more I can do than to daily confess this as the study on love continues, and daily pray, and daily remain mindful of my thoughts/words/actions as I struggle to see others through the Lord’s eyes. May He continue the work begun in me, for I am surely incapable of loving as I ought without the Lord‘s further working in and through me.

Below is the first list I wrote down today if you were interested in it, but I’d invite you not to focus too much on the list of do’s and don’ts lest you enter into the mindset of salvation by works. Instead, may you learn as I am learning to love genuinely because He first loved us and has worked a great work in our hearts that we might reach others as He reached us.

Love must be sincere

Hate evil

Cling to good

Be devoted to and honor one another above yourself

Be joyful in hope

Be patient in affliction

Be faithful in prayer

Practice hospitality and sharing with those in need

Bless your persecutors

Live in harmony with one another

Don’t be proud or conceited

Do what is right in the eyes of everyone

Live at peace with everyone.

Don’t take revenge (it is God’s)

Feed and offer drink to those in need (even your enemy)

Overcome evil with good.

My response to the Lord:

Lord, I thank you that salvation is by faith in your grace and by that grace alone may I be saved. For I am very aware of my inability to otherwise be perfect as you are perfect. I have not the faintest chance of Heaven without your Son Whom saved me. My your Holy Spirit continue to work in me this week as I am improved and honed for your work Father. May I be reminded daily/hourly to stay humble and love others by actions and not be a hypocrite. Help me to walk in this and not just read it and forget it Lord. In Jesus Name I pray.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

week of 3-22-11 1st recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was 1 John 4:7-21

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

It’s all about love yall. We gotta love each other. God shows us love and if He is in us we must show others love too. If we don’t have love, then we don’t have God in us and we are not abiding in God. God is love. Perfect love drives out fear.

As I reflect:

Alright. I totally surrender already. I get it. This whole week I am going to have it drilled into me just how important loving others is. Perhaps it’s God’s way of letting me know how He is working on me. That we are not going to first remove judgment of others to receive love in its place, but rather that as we increase love my judgment of others will decrease. His plans are often different than ours and I’m totally down with that. So, I’m trying. I’m trying to love others in the right ways for the right reasons. When I witness on the streets it is a result of loving people and caring about where they will spend eternity. It’s also out of a since of duty in that all Christians have been called to witness to others (as is our great commission). That being said, I have to remember constantly not to slip over to the duty side instead of the love side. My motive for reaching out to others must be love driven and Holy Spirit empowered. Likewise must my actions in the home for my family and among my friends and family members be of proper motive. I sometimes tend to lean to the duty side of my walk in Christ and must strengthen the love side more. Perhaps that’s what this week is all about for me. Perhaps it’s a practical exercise to strengthen the area that I am weak.

My greatest sins of judgment are against fellow believers who claim Christianity but live like the rest of the world. I should stay focused strongly on learning to love them instead of judge them this week. As hard as that is for me, may the Lord move in me every step of the way that my efforts be multiplied and there be successful growth in this journey.

A key thought that I am going to keep with me is this:

“How can I love the lost but not the found? If you are a believer and lack good fruit, I should help you to grow instead of judging you and condemning your false Christianity.”

My response to the Lord:

Lord, how much more than this short definition of my failure do you know me? You know the depths of my heart for you have placed it in me. I evidently lack the ability to properly use all the functions in this new heart you have given me. For this I am in great need of your Helper. I pray your Holy Spirit work in and through me all this week and all this life that I may learn to love more those who lie and live false lives just as you loved me when I was the exact opposite of who you have made me today. Lord, I often call this area of fakey Christians my “pet peeve”. That is such a human concept and I pray that you would completely remove it from me. That, or cause me to knock over temple tables. Lol. Whichever your will be for the future of this vessel, but one way or the other that I would no longer be so judgmental of those who claim brotherhood with me. Give me your eyes to see Father. Fill my heart with your love. In Jesus name.

Monday, March 21, 2011

week of 3-15-11 4th recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Paul explains here the value and definition of Love. He explains with a great many gifts and strengths that it can all mean nothing without love because of its superiority over the other gifts..

As I reflect:

I often fail at love when it comes to others. Specifically this Godly love that is self sacrificing; I haven’t got that down yet. This passage describes sacrifice and other duties of emotion as being useless if one doesn’t do them in love. I am a bit torn here and ought not to be. I often find that the things I do for God and the sacrifices made are things that I want to do and sacrifice out of love for Him Who Saved me from my sins. My motivation for family and friends seem to stem from a much more selfish place though. Often doing for my kids out of a since of pride in a job well done is a failure of mine as a father and example of Christ in my home. Often doing for my wife I also find selfish motivations. Oddly my family is self sacrificing for me. Thank God for teaching them outside of my bad examples.

I read this passage all about love and as I go through each word of description I am hit by the weight of my failure. No, I’ll not wallow in self pity or guilt, but certainly I can use this as an opportune reminder of areas that need my (and more importantly God’s) attention in this life. I require more molding here. Emotion, sacrifice, compassion have I plenty. I lack Godly love in ways that are not pleasing to me to examine. For some time I have been working on the sin of judgment. I believe this issue with self sacrificing love is as a direct result of the sin of judgment in my life. If I hypothesize correctly then as my sin of judgment decreases I should note the gift of Godly and selfless love increasing as my motivation. So for daily application I’ll simply continue to work on and ask God to mold me in these areas and then keep an open eye and ear paying careful attention to my motivation and genuine love of others.

My response to the Lord:

Heavenly Father, I desire to be fully transparent not only to you but also to those here in the flesh that they may see you working in me and desire the same in their lives. Today as I read your word, I was reminded of an area that has much room for growth; an opportunity to be molded by your hands. Father, as I understand the analogy, I am but a lump of clay being shaped by you. Sure, I once had a shape but it was indecent and sinful and so you broke me down piece by piece to rebuild me. And now as you deliberately shape me for your use, I request that you would help me to be less judgmental and more loving in the same way that you have loved me. I am clay in your hands Father – mold me. I am water Father – direct me. I am Iron Father – sharpen me. I am a precious metal Father – purify me. In Jesus name. Amen

week of 3-15-11 3rd recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was 1 John 3:1-10

You can find that passage here:

The verse that most stands out to me:

7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

As I reflect:

Starting off in this passage John is telling us to take a look at and consider how great the Father’s love for us that He adopted us as His own. This is meaningful to me multi-fold because I was raised having not one dad that I bonded with, but many that temporarily partially filled the role of “dad”. Not only did those men fall greatly short of what a real dad should be here on earth, but they (as well as I) fall eternally short of the role my Heavenly Father has taken in my life. He has adopted me completely and in giving me a new identity which is in Him, He has made it known to me that I now carry a new name conceived in His glory to represent the new family I am now part of. I have many times heard people who do not know my Father call themselves children of God or say that we are all children of God. This simply isn’t true. Though God’s love and the saving grace offered through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross is offered freely to the whole world, only in accepting and confessing Jesus as Lord and the repentance of sin can one then begin to identify as an adopted child of God. I have not only been adopted as a child of God, but I have died completely to the old me that was drowning in the condemnation of sin. I am truly free in my new family. There is much more to consider just in this first principal in the passage. I will continue the reflection in that area off paper and encourage you to do the same.

Everything kinda leads up to verse 6 as far as sin and abiding in it or not. I don’t believe John here is talking about if you sin (because in 1 John 1:8 he says if we say we don’t have sin then we lie). I believe the translated verb tense is talking about living in sin. If sin is disrespect for God and is lawlessness, and Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in Jesus, then to abide in Him would mean for us that we don’t live in sin. Yes, we will make mistakes… But that is gravely different from actively choosing to “live in” sin.

John goes on to explain (and speak out against some local beliefs of the time that still stand against us today) that one must not only not live in sin, but also have signs of and evidence of our Salvation. He is explaining that it is not possible for one to come unto and abide in Jesus and yet have no righteousness that becomes evident as a result. This is spoken of throughout the New Testament as being fruitful or having good fruit. Our faith is to have evidence and in this way we can be like Jesus. Additionally, one who does not display such fruit, such evidence of salvation which is righteousness lived out in life, is like the opposing Satan. You can tell what side a servant is on by their deeds and fruit. For in their actions you will see resemblance of their master. For me and for any true follower of Christ, your evidence ought to be that which resembles God’s work in your life and your obedience to His Word.

My response to the Lord:

Wow God! You put a lot of information for us into this passage through John. I can tell you were close to and powerful in John because his writings have a strong evidence of your righteousness working in him. I thank you for your righteousness working in him and today in me and my family as well. I thank you that you continue to mold me and even more than this, I thank u for your love for me. May I not fall victim to local beliefs in or out of churches here in this land you have provided for my temporary home. May I display by your grace righteous acts as a fruit of the works you have done in me. May my outside reflect the inside and reflect your glory in my life. Lord help me to not only abide in you but also to lead my family to abide in you as well. Holy Father, I thank you with all that I am for adopting me and for your work in my life as well as in my family’s life. We are fully devoted to and dedicated to you Father. May you work your will in and through us always. In Jesus Name.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

3-13-11 sermon notes (Leverage 2)

Mark 10:17-20 ESV

And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.'" And he said to him, "Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth."Mark 10:17-20 ESV

In other words, what is missing from my life? And Jesus responds with a question, "are u suggesting that I'm God?"

Note how the man doesn't answer the question showing that he is more interested in religion. So Jesus starts on the commandments and gets interrupted by the guy who this time says teacher but doesn't say good.

Mark 10:21-22 ESV

And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Jesus looked on him with love. And told him the 1 thing that he lacked; the one thing that the man put above Jesus; the one thing that took up the focal point of the mans life... money. Too many have one thing that they have placed in the place of Jesus. Jesus must be our fulcrom.

Listen, the problem in this story and in our stories is not money... It’s that we have placed something to lean on in our life other than Jesus. The one thing that we r depending on other than Jesus. This is what is being communicated here.

Sometimes we ask the right questions but we aren't really open to the real answers. Ask God what it is you depend on in place of Him and be prepared to accept and react to the real answer whether u like it or not.

Have u commited "almost" everything in your life to God? What is that one thing u are still holding on to? What is it that u just haven't been able to give over to God and let Him be in charge of in your life? For many/most, it is money.

Mark 10:23-25 ESV

And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."

Is it a sin to be rich? No. That's not what is said here. Is it impossible to be saved if u r rich? Nope. Also not what Jesus said. But yes, it is very hard. Jesus knows how hard it is to depend on God if you have great monetary wealth because of how easily the world buys into the lie that money can take better care of you than God can.

Ask yourself, "how am I handling my money?" You may find yourself in a place where u feel hopeless and u feel as though your money is ruling you. If money or finances have caused anxiety or discomfort in you or your household, what is it that you can change (other than the level of you income)?

Is it possible that ur money and ur possessions are standing in between u and living the life u were meant to live in Jesus? Ask yourself what the one thing is that is standing between you and life to the fullest in Christ. Pray about it. If its not money than ask God what it is, that He would reveal to you the way to a more abundant life in Christ and help you to tear down any walls in the way of fully trusting in Him.

3-20-11 sermon notes (Leverage 3)

Think about celebrities in the news over the years... Tiger Woods, Brittany Spears, Charlie Sheen, etc. Have u ever thought that if u had what they had then you could do a better job at it than them? How bout in the church? You family? Could it be that in leveraging your life with Christ you are still missing one final price?

Luke 19:1-4 NKJV

Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way.

Short Guy. Not the point. Not significant. What is? That he was a tax collector. The Romans taxed the Jews and the Jews didn't like it. Some Jews saw the opportunity in it. Zachias was not only one of these Jews who turned on other Jews to collect taxes from them and become rich, but he was the cheif tax collector of the region. People hated him for it. But the religious church officials basically said if you are a tax collector you are banned from the church and also from the face of God (according to the Jews).

Now we have him considered unclean and then he goes and climbs a sicamore tree (also considered an unclean tree). Why would he do this? Perhaps he figured that despite all the religious people excluding him, maybe Jesus wouldn't exclude him? And he was right.

1-Jesus is not into catagoric exclusions or limitations.

Sometimes we gotta get up in a tree to see over the religious people. Metaphorically speaking for us but no metaphors for Shorty. We as Christians should be like a Mosaic. A whole bunch of individuals with a common belief coming together to make a beautiful picture of who Christ is. And yet far too often the church;the body of believers catagorically outs people and judges them... felon/adulterer/etc. Why? This isn't Biblical. It isn't Christ like to out the sinner.

Luke 19:5-8 NKJV

And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.”

It’s sad that far too often for a person to experience Jesus they need to get through/past our judgement and condemnation. Ask yourself; challenge yourself: do people have to see over or around us to experience Jesus or can they see Him in me?

Take sin for an example. When others sin and it becomes or is made known, do you turn from them, or judge them, or make them feel bad for it? Or, do we act as Jesus and show them love and acceptance. Love the sinner as your are loved.

Our sin is only part of what Jesus is after. We come to Jesus and He takes care of our sin right away. Then we start to read the Bible, memorize Scripture, go to church, stop cussing, switch to light beer, etc. u do all these things on a check list, but perhaps life doesn't feel like the fullest. Perhaps even though you have Jesus and He is your fulcrom to leverage your life you just don't feel free. Maybe it’s because you came to Jesus and gave Him your sins, but you continue to carry the burden of the pain in your story.

This is not a sin issue; it’s a brokenness and pain issue. We come to Jesus and we are willing to let Him carry our sins but we don't want to let Him help to lighten the rest of the load. We don't fully give Him the burdens and scars of our past.

Luke 19:9-10 NKJV

And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

What's been lost in your life? In your story? If the pain from my life and your life is not transformed, it will be transmitted. We need to look at the pain from the past and stop believing all the lies that Satan has told us about those things that happened in the past. Stop believing that your life tomorrow can't be any better than today. Life doesn't need to be this heavy.

Do u believe that you have nothing to offer the world or you're too fat or too skinny or too ugly or too stupid or undesireable or incapable as a man;as a woman? Have you fallen victim to the luggage of believing in the lies? What's been lost in your story?

Jesus wants to take your hopelessness and replace it with hope. He wants you to release the lies so that you can take hold of the truth that Jesus offers. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. This is truth. You are valuable to God and you have a purpose to fullfill. That's truth. You are loved deeply and eternally by God regardless of your past.. that's truth. When you were consciously baptized as an adult, you chose to die of the old you and be ressurected as a new creation in Christ. Your past has no hold on you. Invite Christ to come into those painful things of your past and help you to lay them down before God. Invite Him to help you lay yourself down before the Lord and received grace and let freedom become the song of your heart.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

week of 3-15-11 2nd recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Paul responds to the news that Timothy brings back from the Thessalonians. He is happy that they are doing so well in their walk with the Lord and that they love each other and are growing in faith. He is encouraged by the news of how the Gospel message has taken a hold so well there and he responds to them with joy and a longing to meet again. He also tells them that he prays for them and leaves them with words of edification saying, “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow” and “May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God.”

As I reflect:

I notice starting off in this passage that Paul feels joy as he hears about the spiritual prosperity of others. I’m not so sure the joy is only because the seed he left took root and grew. I believe it is also in general (regardless of who it had been) that someone had grew in love and faith in Jesus. We should all learn from such an example. There are those in the church today that see/hear of others that have grown and are either jealous or envious, or even often prideful and judgmental as they keep hold to the thought of being better and hold tightly to their high horse. We are instead to rejoice in our brother’s and sister’s growth in their faith and love. May it be an encouragement to us and to others just as our growth also may encourage others and cause them to rejoice.

Paul said that he prays to be able to return to them to perfect them. In other words, though they had received and grown greatly in the message that they received, there was still growth to be had; the work begun must become finished. I think we as Christians have this responsibility to each other to (in love) help each other continue in our growth. If your brother or sister is lacking, then tell them in love as you would want to be told if you had room for growth in Christ.

My response to the Lord:

Holy Father, You know that I want to be more like your Son. You know that I also want to learn from the examples of those who have disciple farther after you than I. Paul is just such a person. Will you (knowing the motives of my heart to serve you) grant my request in making me more like the examples you have given me. Help me to encourage others and see other’s growth as encouragement that I might rejoice more often at the work that you are doing in my brothers and sisters. Lord, I also pray that you would open my eyes and ears to know the areas of my walk tht or weak or lacking in any way that I may fully surrender to you and be filled by your grace and power. In Jesus name.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

week of 3-15-11 1st recorded Highquest Bible study

The passage I read was John 13:21-35

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Jesus is at what is referred to as the final supper and He (by means of handing a piece of bread to him) points out who His betrayer will be and then sends him to do what must be done. Jesus then speaks of His glorification to come on the cross and reveals He will be leaving soon. In light of His soon departure, He leaves His disciples (and us) with the new command to Love one another as He has loved us.

As I reflect:

First, I noted how awesome it is to have a close relationship with Jesus. I was thinking about His beloved and how even with 10 other people in the room that had discipled with Jesus for the long run, Peter still looked and motioned to the “most beloved” of Jesus’ disciples and asked him to ask Jesus who he was talking about. I wonder if Jesus smirked at all at that point… I mean you could have just asked Jesus yourself Peter. I’m not so sure that is part of a reflection to grow on but still kinda interesting dynamic in the room. I mean how nice to have been John and been the most beloved of Jesus. Wow!

Some notes on the passage:

Jesus knew who His betrayer was and thus also by indicating this was saying that what was to occur was not a surprise in any way. Jesus knew and could have stopped or avoided it completely but instead entered willingly into what would be the beginning of the last hours of His physical life here. Not only that, but He showed His betrayer love and gave him multiple chances to repent. This betrayer; this enemy of God had earlier this same evening had his feet cleansed by the Lord as an example of sacrificial love. And then in this passage He is given the chance to repent as Jesus offers him the dipped bread (equivocated often at that time to a toast in one’s honor). Judas was an enemy of God and yet Jesus loved Him and treated Him well knowing what his intentions where. Wow! What an example for us also to love even our enemies.

Jesus then makes plain the greatest shock of the disciples last 3 years of life (since they were called to drop everything and follow Him). He tells them He is leaving and they cannot come with. He of course is speaking about going home to Heaven and later goes on to rebuke their doubts and fears and explain that the Holy Spirit will be an even greater helper to them. Talk about mood breaker though. Wow. That had to be rather intense to hear.

As I reflect on this passage, the daily application that comes to mind is to live more sacrificially (less of “mine mine mine” and more of “how may I help you”), and love even my enemies. This is a most difficult thing to do, but I understand why it is a must to be forgiving and loving of those “undeserving”…. Because once upon a time that was me and Jesus was and has been since loving and forgiving to me.

My response to the Lord:

Father, as I grow in intimacy with you I am continually humbled and overwhelmed by the love and compassion that you have and share. That Jesus loved even His enemies so much that He be willing to wash their feet and offer them uplifting amongst others and then go to a cross to die for them…. I don’t know quite how to respond to that. I mean, I know that I am to follow after Jesus and I do desire to do just that. I don’t find this same loving of my enemies character in me though. I usually forgive them and then I struggle sometimes in asking you to forgive them and bless them too. But love? Father, I pray that you would help me to remember that you loved me while I was yet a sinner and that by your Holy Spirit working in me I can learn to love my enemies by seeing them as you saw me. I know that you can mold me to be more loving and I pray that you would do this that I may more accurately reflect your Son, in Whose name I pray. Amen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

3-6-11 Leverage1 "consumer Christians" @ DCC

Every single one of us is looking for more out of this life. We are chasing life to the fullest…. We want to maximize life… Jesus says He came to offer that…however, for a lot of us we are trying to move our life in this abundant direction but it would seem that our life is this huge weight on the ground and no matter how hard we push or pull or try to lift it, we just can’t get any movement.

We need two things to move our life, a lever and a fulcrum. With a lever and a fulcrum I then have leverage and with leverage I can begin moving my life. Both things are required though. A fulcrum alone is bet a stepping stone and a lever without a fulcrum is but a stick. Let’s look at the lever our life requires. The lever needed to move our lives has three unique assets; our time, talent, and treasure. We put our effort against this lever and quickly find that we need a fulcrum. We need something to lean our lives against… Something to prop our lives up on in order to get life really moving. This is where Jesus comes into play. When we lean our lives on Him things really start to change in our lives. When we lean all of who we are into all of who Jesus is then we can begin to experience maximum impact both in and through our life.

This concept of leverage is the key to the life all of us are looking for.

Luke 14:25-27 (New International Version, ©2011)

25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

There are some verses in the Bible that Christians tend to like and gravitate to more than others. Like ask and you shall receive, or do not worry, or you are called friend of God, etc. Luke 14:25-27 is not usually one thought of when Christians think of the pleasing verses. Definitely not one I’d recommend right off the bat for either a new believer or someone just beginning to consider Jesus. This verse may make you want to jump out of the line to Jesus and find another belief system, but hold that thought. Let’s start where Luke starts here.

There is a difference between traveling with and following.

Time to DTR = Define The Relationship

This is that moment in the relationship where you determine your real level of commitment. A defining moment where you sit down and determine, “what do we really have here?” “Is this just an attraction; infatuation? Or is this moving toward a deeper devotion and commitment?”

Jesus has a big crowd “traveling with” Him. But He isn’t looking for travelers. Jesus is looking for followers, and there is a difference between traveling with and following. The passage from Luke above is the DTR moment for the crowd. It’s a tough moment where Jesus essentially draws a very clear line in the sand. He is giving an illustration of how extreme it is to be a Christ follower; a disciple; and not just a traveler.

Though the verse uses the word “hate”, the intent He is trying to get across to the croud (and to us) is “love less”. When we compare how we love others (even those closest to us) to how we love Jesus there ought to be so much difference that it looks like hate. Jesus is trying to thin the ranks and is really saying this, “I am not looking for fans; I am looking for followers.” He had a lot of fans in the crowd that just wanted to see miracles and be fed or see if He would overthrow Rome. Define the relationship. How long has it been since you had a DTR moment with Jesus?

Don’t get me wrong. Jesus fans are welcome and Jesus loves His “fans”. It’s just that He loves you too much to leave you in the position of a fan. He wants you to fully discover, experience, and walk with Him.

Luke 14:28-32 (New International Version, ©2011)

28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.

So Jesus has already said, your love for everyone and everything else ought to pale in comparison to your love for me. And that we need to take up our cross and follow Him. And now He is saying that we need to count the cost. He is telling us that this isn’t going to be easy and we will have trouble with this. Here is where you may start to see your consumer idealism come into play. We usually look for deals when we shop and we want the best possible deal for the lowet possible price.

Is the lowest price always the best deal? Is there truth to the saying, “you get what you pay for”?

Many of us Christians have no problem coming to the cross. In fact we enjoy doing so. We desire to come to the cross, “Jesus forgive us”, “heal us”, “redeem us”, “restore us”, etc. We have no problem coming to the cross and asking for things. Christians however do tend to have great difficulty in carrying one. There areas of our lives where we don’t want to carry the cross. There are some crosses that we just plain don’t want to bear. Our past is one of those crosses often enough that none of us want to look into or learn from. We’d rather forget it ever happened. Here we begin to show that consumer personality. We are looking for the “best deal”, the lowest price, the route of least pain.

Here’s an example, “Jesus, I love you, and I know this relationship I’m in is not in line with who you are and what you teach, and what you want for my life, but I am choosing it anyway. Jesus, I am into minor changes. A little behavior modification, but nothing too big or fancy. Don’t reach into my life too deeply. Just kinda touch up the surface.”

We think “touch up work”. Jesus is thinking “renovation”.

We think “tune up”. Jesus is thinking “overhaul”.

We think “make-up”. Jesus is thinking “makeover”.

We think, “Jesus don’t ask me to stop yelling at or hitting my spouse, or to save sex for marriage, or give away my money, or forgive people who have hurt me, or to journey back into the pain of my past.”… Too many people want Jesus… at a bargain price. Capitalism and Christianity have collided in this country and we have become “Consumer Christians”.

We have created a culture where people come to church shopping for the best deal. People come into church with the idea of “what do you have to offer me”. This causes pressure in the church to say, “I’ll offer whatever you want”. This is the problem though, the message of the gospel says be willing to give up everything. The church must be very careful not to replace the message, “Jesus is King – deny yourself” with the message, “Burger King – Have it your way”. The lowest price is not the best deal. No pain, no gain. That originated with Jesus – not the Marines.

Luke 14:33 (New International Version, ©2011)

33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

Everything else in life; every relationship, possession, desire, should be secondary to our relationship with Him. If you struggle with this you should know that you are not alone. It’s not a destination but a journey. But ask yourself, “Is my life really changing?” “Am I going anywhere?” “Am I moving?” “Where am I right now with Jesus?” “How much of my life am I really giving Him access to?”

Leverage your efforts on Jesus. Use your unique assets applied to your life on the fulcrum that is Jesus. It’s not about more effort from us. It’s about the fulcrum. “What am I leaning my life against?” “What am I depending on other than Jesus to provide me with life?” If you are leaning your life on anything other than Jesus, one question for you; honestly ask yourself this week, “is it working?” I’m guessing not. Think about this throughout the week, the closer I slide Jesus toward my life (all of my life including my brokenness, wounding, mistakes, junk, relationships – all my life) the less effort it requires of me and leads me to the life I am looking for. Start with baby steps. Leverage a little more of Jesus and a little less of everything else.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

week of 03-01-11 3rd recorded HighQuest Bible Study

The passage I read was Acts 22:1-11

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Here Paul shares part of the story of his conversion on the road to Damascus. A bright light from heaven flashed, Saul (Paul) fell to the ground and heard the Lord ask, “Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” Paul questions the identity of the light and Jesus introduces himself. Once Saul knows who he is speaking with, he responds with “What shall I do, Lord?”. He is then told to go to Damascus where he will be told of all that has been assigned to him. He is led there because the light has blinded him.

As I reflect:

I don’t really know how to reflect on this one. It seems to me to be a very straight forward passage of scripture. Paul is being attacked by a crowd of a large number of jews and he starts by identifying himself and relating to them. I like that and use that approach often in witnessing. Relating to someone can let them know that you were once like them and that you weren’t born this distant person that now stands in front of them. Paul goes on to tell them that He too persecuted Christians and in fact even hunted them. Likewise another great tool in witnessing. Not only have I now related to you, but I also have confessed to you that I had the same view of people “like me” once upon a time. Then he moves straight into the story of his salvation. He tells them that he had an encounter with Jesus and from that moment on, everything has changed and he has been given a new mission. In witnessing, I’d say he did a pretty good job there. Introduction, relation, purposeful message. He was careful to be humble in who he is and boast only in the glory of Christ too.

My response to the Lord:

Lord, I confess that I am in no way worthy to bask in your glory. I am undeserving of your favor. I am lowly before you Father. But I pray none the less to be used by you that I may glorify you today. I also have a past that was greatly against your kingdom’s advancing and I was living as a ragdoll to satan. I am thankful that you broke me down and rebuilt me. To you be all the glory and honor and I will praise you forever for saving me from hell; from the condemnation of my sins; and from myself. In Jesus Name.

03-01-11 2nd recorded HighQuest Bible Study

The passage I read was 1 Samuel 15:1-23

You can find that passage here:

My summary of the passage is this:

Samuel is obedient to God in relaying God’s message to Saul. The message was that God would punish the Amalekites and Saul was to go and attack them and the Amalekites were to be totally destroyed along with all that belongs to them. Saul was disobedient and though he did attack and by God utterly destroy his enemies, he also took Agag (their king) and the best of their sheep and cattle and lambs and everything that was good. When the Lord spoke to Samuel, he then went to Saul and upon confronting him about this, Saul excused his actions as being done to later make a sacrifice to the Lord. Samuel replies:

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams….”

As I reflect:

How often do we try to excuse our disobedience instead of acknowledging it’s hindrance in our service to our Lord and seeking out His guidance in correcting the issue of sin in us? I (like Saul) know that I have used excuses similar to allow for disobedience. I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but I’m human and I know that is human nature. What I ought to do is remember that human nature ought not rule me; for I am ruled by a super human super-nature God. And He’s even been so generous as to provide for me help in the form of His Holy Spirit. How much more should I not excuse sinful disobedience now then? To be wholly devoted to God, I believe would include not making excuses to allow for staying in comfort zones when we are called to do something. As believers and disciples of Christ there are a great many things we are all called to do; love God, your neighbor, your enemy, follow His commands, work in this great commission to reach others in love, etc. the list goes on and we too often settle to just check something off to feel better about ourselves. Our identity isn’t in the list, but our functionality as a body of believers is. Don’t check something off today to feel good about yourself. Instead, simply be obedient to our God and serve without excuse doing whatever He has called you to do.

My response to the Lord:

Holy God, My Father and my Master in Heaven, may I not be so arrogant to think that I can just change what you have told me to do. I desire that our relationship would be fruitful and that my live would bear good fruit for others. I don’t want to come up with excuses not to serve or get involved in the great commission. I don’t want to be a wall flower Christian. I am your disciple. I want to be used and be obedient in your service. Lord, I pray for wisdom and guidance in this race that I would never stray from your message. In Jesus name.

03-01-11 1st recorded HighQuest Bible Study

The passage I read was John 14:25-31

You can find that passage here:,John%2014:25-31&version=NIV

My summary of the passage is this:

Jesus speaks to His disciples about His coming death & resurrection. He is very encouraging and reassuring almost as if leaving His children with a baby sitter. In this case the baby sitter s the Holy Spirit and we are the babies.

As I reflect:

Jesus has left us not only with peace that passes understanding, but also with the Helper whom the Father sent to teach us and help us remember all that Jesus said. In verse 31 Jesus shows His obedience to the Father and indicates that this obedience even unto death is what shows the world that He loves the Father. I believe we too ought to let our action speak louder than our words here. This is only possible through the Holy Spirit and thus we should remember daily to abide in the Spirit that we be empowered to have actions reflectant of our love and obedience to the Lord.

My response to the Lord:

Father, your Son was the ultimate example of love and obedience as He laid down His life for us. I thank you for my salvation because of your Son, and I thank you for your Holy Spirit here to help me. May I learn by your Helper to be more like your Son in laying down my life daily for you and for others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.